
Stephen Toulmin

By hspoon
  • Born

    Stephen Toumlin was born in London, England on March 25, 1922 to Geoffrey and Doris Toulmin.
  • Education

    Stephen Toulmin earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from King's College,where he was a Cambridge Apostle, in 1943. He was then hired by the Ministry of Aircraft Production. His job was that of a junior scientific officer. He was stationed in Germany during World War II. After the war he returned to England and received a Master of Arts degree in in 1947 and then a PhD in philosophy in 1950. Both done at Cambridge University.
  • The Uses of Argument

    The Uses of Argument
    During Toulmins career he wrote many significant books pertaining to his field of study but in 1958 he published a book that would the most influential in the use of rhetoric. "The uses of Argument" was not received well in England but it was a tremendous success in the United States. This book took a look at what was wrong with traditional logic. This work was introduces to student as a sound structure to follow in rhetorical arguments.
  • Toulmins Argument Model

    Toulmins Argument Model
  • Wittgenstein's Vienna Collaberateion

    Wittgenstein's Vienna Collaberateion
    Toulmin collaborated with Allan Janik, a fellow philosopher. They set out to so the significance of history to human reasoning. Toulmin challenge the thought of absolute truth in formal logic. He believed that truth can very dependent on context. Both historical and cultural, dubbed "conceptual schemata".
  • The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning

    The Abuse of Casuistry: A History of Moral Reasoning
    While working with the National Commission for the Protection of Human Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research Toulmin collaborates with Albert R. Jonsen and wrote the book "History of Moral Reasoning few years later. This a book outlined ways of resolving moral issues in certain cases. In later years he would come to criticize the lack and loss of morals in modern science.
  • Awards

    In 1997Toumlin was selected for the Jefferson Lecture by the National Endowment for the Humanities. He was selected for his lecture "A Dissenter's Story". this discussed the "contrast of the reasonable and the rational". On March 2, 2006 he was given the Austrian Decoration for Science and Art.
  • Died

    Toulmin died December 4, 2009 in Los Angeles, California at the age of 87.