Stalin is Appointed General Secretary of the Communist Party
The heads of the Communist Party where the responsibles to make Stalin Secretary General. Stalin was not well known and was the most unlikely to rise in power, however this position was his first official movement towards his rise in power since this position gave him the powe to appoint and dismiss communist party officials that later on with more power in his hands he would use as an essential move in his benefit. -
Lenins Testament
Lenin has a heart a attack followed by a second one that was very concerning. He was very politically unactive and did not participate for the folllowing months since his stroke. He decides to leave a Testament to make sure things go smoothly one he is gone. This is important becasue first Lenins unhelathy state left him unactive out of politics meaning it was easier to manage things for Stalin and also becasuse this meant that Lenin was getting close to death leaving his spot open for Stalin -
Triumvirate Creation
Triumvirate is formed by Zinoviev, Kamenev and Stalin to prevent Trotsky rising to power, due to Zinoviev and Kamenev’s though they should succeed Lenin and where in fear of Trotsky’s rapid rise. With Lenin absent and not acttive in politics the Triumvirates were able to isolate Trotsky. Stalin was re-elected and started to replace Trotsky’s supporters with other Triumvirs which promoved his amount of powe and his rise towards it. -
Lenin is able to see Stalin's quick rise of power and get worried which led to his addition of a postrcipt in his testament that specifically discussed how Stalin should be dissmissed inmediatley to pave an easier way to his other allies he wanted to recieve his power once he died. This is important because even Lenin was able to see Stalins quick rise to power which ment he was becoming powerfull and became a threat. -
Lenin's Death
Lenin dies due to his two previouse strokes which left unavtice in politics in the previouse time which was crucial for Stalins rise to power. Lenins postcript or testament never came out to the public which became a benefit.After the triumvirs they where able to quickly isolate Trotsky and replace his supporters. Stalin gives Trotsky Lenins funeral date wrong and raised suspicion of Trotsky's absense He was able to quickly collect power in countries weakness of Lenins Death -
The Postscipt is not revealed to public
Lenin's widow decides to reveal Lenin's testament to the Central committee and senior Congress delegates. But Stalin is saved by Zinoviev and Kamenev that were able to convince the Central Committee not to act or publish the testament thinking Stalin now would be weakened. However this did not affect him and allowed to accumulate more power. -
Stalins Ideology
Stalin reveals concept of “socialism in the country” which stressed the point of needing peace and stability and said that despite the backwardness and isolation the Soviet state could build socialism on its own. When Trotsky went against this he accused him of having lack of faith in Russia and its people allowing him to diminish Trotsky’s importance that was very important to Stalin because later on he would be able to use arguments like this against him and remove him. -
United Opposition is Formed
Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev formed the United Opposition, with some support from Nadya Krupskaya (Lenin’s widow ) and many other prominent politicians.This happened because Stalin was having a very fast rise to power that was threatening to others. This was important because they wanted to remove Stalin from power however Stalin already had a lot of power which meant that he was able to ban and dismiss their meetings due to the 1921 Ban so he accused them to the Central Committee which led to -
Stalin Removes Bukharin
On the Fifth anniversary of Lenin’s death, Bukharin decided to make a speech where he talked about Lenin’s political testament which said Stalin should be dismissed. Bukharin's speech about this and his earlier meeting with Kamenev was fuel from Stalin and accused him of factionalism to the Central Committee. The charge was confirmed and in April Bukharin was removed of Pravda and from Politburo which meant now Stalin had almost complete control. -
Stalin deports Trotsky
Stalin is able to make the Politburo expel Trotsky from Russia, he did this because he feared a left-right alliance in the future mostly because he thought that his own factions would take sympathy with the opposition. Trotsky was deported to Alma Ata which meant Stalin had one less problem and would be able to reach a state with more power.