
  • Oct 19, 1491


  • Sep 1, 1527

    Cannon ball to the leg

    Inigo got hit with a cannon ball while in the fight verses the French
  • Oct 6, 1527


    He sees Mary in a vision while he had a broken leg because of the cannon ball
  • Dec 4, 1527

    He left

    He left to Barcelona to talk with the duke
  • Sep 1, 1528

    Inigo changes his lifestyle as a St.

    Inigo gave his clothes to a poor person,and Inigo wore the Christ's arms he also left to Manresa
  • Oct 1, 1528

    Inigo saw the devil

    Inigo was so weakened that the devil was able to plague him with serious doubts
  • Jan 1, 1529

    Leaving again

    The duke told him to go on the ship with the governors then to go to Jerusalem
  • Feb 6, 1529

    He starts preaching

    People came over to hear him preach
  • Mar 6, 1529

    They left again

    Xavier and Ignatious and all the others went to Rome
  • Mar 6, 1529

    He got locked up in jail

    Inigo went to jail because he was teaching people about Jesus when he wasn't ready to teach.
  • Mar 8, 1529

    All prisoners escaped

    Everyone except for Ignatious and a person who was listening to his preaches
  • Mar 30, 1529

    Inigo had a stomach illness

    Ignatious had to go back to Spain because of his illness but he refused
  • Apr 6, 1529

    Inigo had another vison

    Inigo saw Jesus and his dad asked him"Son do you want him to be your servant."
  • Jul 31, 1556

