Redi's experiment
In 1668 Francesco Redi, a scientific, create an experiment to prove the spontaneous generation of maggots by a pice of meat. He used two jars with meet inside one opened and the other covered with a cloth. Later he foud that in the opened jar contained maggots and in the closed one the maggots were in the surface.So he demonstrated that the maggots came from fly eggs and thereby helped to disprove spontaneous generation. Or so he thought. -
John needham experiment
John needham perform a experiment that consis in a briefly boiled broth infused with plant or animal matter, to kill all the microrganisms, but he don't close the flasks at all. Then he observed that in the flasks there were microrganisms so he conclude with that the spontaneous generation was a fact. -
Spallanzani's experiment
Spallanani the same experiment as needham, but he do it by sealing one bottle and leaving the other open. Days later, the unsealed bottle was teeming with small living things that he could observe more clearly with the newly invented microscope. The sealed bottle showed no signs of life. This certainly excluded spontaneous generation as a viable theory. Then he noted that air was necesary for spontaneous generation. -
Pasteur's Experiment
Louis Pasteur, the notable French scientist, re-create the experiment and leave the system open to air. He designed several bottles with S-curved necks that were oriented downward so gravity would prevent access by airborne foreign materials. Then do it the same as jhon, then he put one bottle neck pointing up, and the other pointing down. Few days later he noticed that in the down neck bottel apeared life and at the other no, because in the down neck bottle the air go in more directly