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Spanish Exploration

  • 1492

    Christopher Columbus 1st voyage

    Christopher Columbus 1st voyage
    Was looking for a shortcut to Asia. Found gold and riches. Important because this started exploration for the new world
  • 1519

    Cortes voyage

    Cortes voyage
    He conquered the Aztecs in Mexico. This is important because he found millions of gold which sparked interest in exploration
  • 1519

    Pinedas voyage

    Pinedas voyage
    He found the water route to the Pacific Ocean. This is important because this led to the exploration of the gulf coast
  • 1528

    De Vaca part 1 start day

    De Vaca part 1 start day
    Wanted to find gold in Florida with his leader Narvez
  • 1537

    De Vaca discovers Texas

    De Vaca discovers Texas
    There was a huge storm and shipwrecked in Galveston. He met the Karankawas amd was there for 8 years
  • 1539

    Fray Marcos and Estaban Journey

    Fray Marcos and Estaban Journey
    They went to explore to find the 7 cities of gold/cibola . Estaban got killed by the Indians because he was demanding their women and food. Fray marcos went up a hill to see the view and claimed he saw a village that was all gold
  • 1540

    Coronados expedition

    Coronados expedition
    Was trying to find Quivera but needed a guide (The Turk) . The Turk took him to Quivera where there was supposedly gold , but found nothing but an Indian village . Coronado was mad so he told The Turk to dig his own grave and then later he strangled him to death . He reported to no go to Texas because of harsh land and difficult Indians. This is important because the Spaniards do not go back for more than 150 years
  • 1542

    Moscoso Expedition

    Moscoso Expedition
    De Soto was the leader but died a fever so Moscoso took over . He gave the same basic report as Coronado ,which was “no gold, harsh land , difficult Indians”