Oct 12, 1492
Columbus`s First Voyage
Colombus was looking for a short western route to Asia. He landed on the Carribean and brought back goods and some gold back to Spain. This inspired the Spanish to send more explorers because of the gold Columbus brought back. -
Feb 23, 1519
Cortes`s Voyage
Cortes conquered, in Mexico, the Aztecs. This inspired Spain to send more explorers to the New World because of the tons of gold he brought back. -
Jun 2, 1519
Pineda`s Voyage
Cortes mapped the coast from Florida to Texas. This encouraged future exploration for Spain. -
Aug 23, 1528
DeVaca`s Voyage Part 1, Start Day
DeVaca`s leader was Narvez. They were looking for gold on their expedition. -
Nov 6, 1528
DeVaca Discovers Texas
He landed on Texas during a storm. He became a medicine man and trader among the indians. He spent 9 years in Texas. He met the Kawakawas, the Atakapans, and the Coahuiltecans. -
Jan 20, 1539
Fray Marcos`s and Esteban`s Journey
Esteban and Fray Marcos went on this journey to see if the 7 Cities of Gold is real. Esteban was killed by indians. Fray Marcos reported that he saw the 7 Cities of Gold when sitting on a hill. -
Oct 23, 1539
Moscoso`s Expedition
Moscoso`s leader was Hernando de Soto. Hernando de Soto was buried and dumped into the Mississippi River. Moscoso explored Florida to Texas. They also did not find any gold. -
Apr 23, 1540
Coronado`s Expedition
Coronado searched of the Seven Cities of Gold and Quivera. His guide on the 2nd part of his journey was Frey Marcos. He ran away at night, so he would not get in trouble with Coronado because of no success finding Quivera. Coronado discovered that there was no gold in Texas. Spain was not worried about Texas until 250 years becaause of this expedition.