
Spanish Exploration

  • 1539 BCE

    Moscoco' Expedition

    Moscoco' Expedition
    His leader was De Soto. He decide not help him no more so he left him. He reported about Texas was Gave the same basic report that Coronado gave Spain would not return for 150 years because of these reports.
  • 1528 BCE

    DeVaca Voyage Part 1 start day

    DeVaca Voyage Part 1 start day
    His leader is Narvez. The purpose of the expedition he searched for gold in Florida with leader Narvez
  • 1528 BCE

    DeVacas discovers Texas

    DeVacas discovers Texas
    This happened by people beginto explore texas to find Cibola. He was there for 11 years. He meet Texas-Galveston Central Texas (Hill Country) West texas other places Florida New Mexico Arizona California to Mexico city.
  • 1519 BCE

    Cortes voyage

    Cortes voyage
    He conquered Mexico. He conquered Aztecs. He was important because he sparked the intrest of many people to explore North and South America because he found so much gold
  • 1519 BCE

    Pineda's voyage

    Pineda's voyage
    He was the first to map the Gulf Coast from Florida to Texas. He is important because his map of the Coast led to others exploring the land on the Gulf Coast
  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus first voyage

    Columbus first voyage
    He was looking for a west water route to Asia/ India. He found gold & other goods, 1st to start permanet settlement. He was important because he made 4 trips.
  • Mar 25, 1539

    Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey

    Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey
    The purpose of conquistador Coronado is sent to find this golden city Fray Marcos confirms exists. Esteban was attacked and died. He reported to study the lad to the north Evaluate
  • Sep 22, 1540

    Coronado's expedition

    Coronado's expedition
    The cities he searched for was Texas-Palo Duro Arizona- Grand Canyon. His guide for the 2nd guide was The Turk. The killed him for being rude. He discoverd Texas-North in the panhandle Arizona, New Mexico, Kanasa, Oklahoma. The important of his journey was Do not got to Texas. The land Offers nothing for the spanish. No goof harsh land and some duifficult Indians. With this report and Moscos's the Spanish do not return with any major expediton for 150 years.