Spanish exploration

  • Aug 3, 1492

    Columbus .

    Columbus .
    He set sail to find a route to India Aug. 3 and got to the new world on October 12.
    He was the first to discover the new world and to start a new settlement.He brought back gold and jewels to the queen and king.
  • Jan 1, 1519


    In 1519 Cortes sailed to Mexico. He conquered the Aztec Indians and their leader Montezuma. He brought back tons of gold and sparked the interest for other explorers.
  • Jan 1, 1519


    He was the first to map Florida to Texas.He made other want to explore the land
  • Jan 1, 1528

    DeVaca part 1

    DeVaca part 1
    They started in Florida to find gold. The leader was Narvez at the time.
  • Oct 25, 1532

    DeVaca part 2

    DeVaca part 2
    DeVaca landed on Galveston island from a Gail and named it malhado (misfortune).He was in Texas for 4 years.The Karankawas took him and his crew and helped them to health. Then he became a healer,servant,and a trader.
  • Jan 1, 1539

    Fray Marcos and Estaben

    Fray Marcos and Estaben
    The purpose of this journey was to study the land. Esteban was killed for demanding women and gold.Fray Marcos said that he saw one of the 7 cities of gold.
  • Jan 1, 1539


    The leader was Desoto. Desoto died because of fever. Moscoso still explored Texas and reported it to be a terrible place.
  • Jan 1, 1540


    Coronado was looking for the cities of cibola and quivera. The leader of the second part was Turk, but he died because they didn't find anything so Coronado made him dig his grave and strangled him. Coronado reported that Texas was a bad place and not to go.