Spanish Exploration

  • Aug 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Sets Sail

    Christopher Columbus Sets Sail
    Christopher Columbus set sail for Asia, thinking he would make it there by crossing the Atlantic. His goal: find a faster rout to India.
  • Oct 12, 1492

    Christopher Columbus Finds the "New World"

    Christopher Columbus Finds the "New World"
    Columbus lands in the new world, what he believes to be Asia. He finds an area with enough gold to interest other parties and started the first permanent settlement. Columbus starts exploration of the New World
  • 1519

    Hernando Cortes Conquers Things

    Hernando Cortes Conquers Things
    Hernado Cortes sets sail to find gold for Spain. He conquered the Aztecs in Mexico and brought back six million dollars' worth of gold. He sparks interest in the exploration of south and central America
  • 1519

    Exploring the Gulf Coast

    Exploring the Gulf Coast
    At the same time as Cortes's conquering, Alonso Alvarez de Pineda was exploring and mapping the Gulf of Mexico to see if there was a water route to India. He established the remainder of the boundary of the Gulf of Mexico and discovered there was no water route to Asia. He becomes the first explorer to see coastal areas of western Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas.
  • 1527

    Later 1527

    Later 1527
    Narvaez's Expedition is caught in a gale on their way to Cuba from Florida and are thrown 1,000 miles off. DeVaca is one of the survivors that crashes on Galveston Island. He wanders through Texas and encounters the Karankawas, Jumanos, and Coahuiltecans who are friendly towards him. He wanders through Texas and reaches Mexico City after eight years. He helped encourage Spanish exploration through the gulf coast.
  • Jun 17, 1527

    DeVaca Sails From Spain

    DeVaca Sails From Spain
    DeVaca sails from Spain under the leader of the expedition Narvaez. The purpose was to further explore the Gulf Coast
  • Period: 1531 to 1542

    The Exploration of Pineda's Map

    De Soto's expedition sets out to explore the remainder of Pineda's Map to see if there is any gold in Texas. Near the Mississippi River De Soto dies of a fever. Moscoso finds, just like Coronado, that there is no gold in Texas/, and agrees with Coronado that exploration in Texas needs to be ended
  • 1539

    Esteban and Fray Marcos

    Esteban and Fray Marcos
    Esteban and Fray Marcos and attempt to explore north texas, to study and evaluate the land. On the journey Esteban is killed by the Zuni Indians. When Fray Marcos returns he confirms the explorer Coronado's legend of the 7 cities of gold.
  • Period: 1540 to 1542

    Coronado's Search for the 7 Cities of Gold

    Coronado starts his journey to search for the seven cities of gold lead his guide being Fray Marcos.He doesn't fund them but another guide- The Turk leads him to a city know as Quivera which he says is filled with gold. It turns out that "Quivera" is just another puebloan city and has no gold whatsoever. Coronado finds that there is no gold in Texas and recommends the swift end of exploration in Texas.