Aug 3, 1492
Columbus' First Voyage
Columbus set sail on August Third, 1492 looking for a western route to Asia/India. Three months later they laned on a small island that is now the Bahamas. he found so called Indians because he thought he was in India. He found little gold but started the exploration of the Americas. -
Mar 14, 1519
Pinedas Voyage
Pineda"s was the first to go along the gulf of mexico from florida to mexico and map it. This was important because it allowed people to start exploring based off his map. -
Nov 1, 1519
Cortes Voyage
Cotes conquered the now known Southern Mexico. He also conquered the Aztec tribe and bulit a city on top of theirs. HE also found 99 tons of gold and this is important because it really got people eager and wanting to explore the New World -
Jun 22, 1528
De Vacas first voyage
De Vaca went on an expediton with a leader named Narvez. The purpose was men to get off at the coast of Florida explore a little get back on the boat, get dropped off, and get back on the boat, and so forth all the way to Texas. However De vaca and his group of people exploring never saw the boat again because the boat went to far and they thought evryone on land had been killed by Indians. -
Nov 22, 1528
De Vaca discovers Texas
When De Vaca and his group figured out what happened they try to sail back home to Cuba since is a short ways away. They get stuck in a gale thoguh and are brought to nowaday Galveston. There he met Kawrankawas, and as he went down the coast coahelitecans, and Jumanos. -
Aug 22, 1538
Fray Marcus and Esteban
Fray Marcus and Esteban were told that to go check out a supposed seven cities of gold. However Fray Marcus being a priest and spreading christianity took a little longer than Esteban. Esteban said wherever he went he would put a white cross if it was safe. Esteban when through one tribe and the tribe killed him because of mis-communication. Fray Marcus seeing no croos stopped and finally heardf\ word that Esteban had been killed. He went back home snalso reported seeing cities of gold though. -
Oct 23, 1540
Coronado's Jourmey
Cornado being told that cities of gold were real, he started a giant expedition. He walked to the sopt known as Cibola passing the Palo Duro Caynon and the Grand Caynon. When he reached Cibola he was greatly dissapointed but a Indian who they called "Turk" said of another rich city known as Quivera. when they reached there it was another dissapointment adn Corranado told Turk to start digging his own grave. This is important because he reported Texas being horrible and help stop exploration. -
May 29, 1541
Moscossos voyage
De Soto was the leader of this exploration and the goal was to explore Florida Coast and and upward. On the expediton leader De Soto died from a bad fever. They kept exploring and found the Missisppi River and east Texas. As soon as they got to texas they turned around. He also said bad things of Texas which stopped exploration of Texas for 150 years.