Aug 3, 1492
1) Colombus’ first voyage
he set a thought in peoples mind that there was a faster way to India by going east. he did this after Spains war with the moors
Jan 1, 1519
2) Cortes voyage
Cortes sailed with 11 ships from Cuba to the Yucatan Peninsula to look for gold, silver, and other stuff. -
Jan 1, 1519
3) Pineda’s voyage
explored and charted the Gulf Coast from Florida to Mexico but didn't explore it -
Apr 15, 1527
4) DeVaca Voyage start day
he sailed to North America from Spain. He traveled from Florida to Texas on a small barge (raft), then walked from Texas to Mexico City -
Nov 6, 1528
5) DeVaca discovers Texas
crashes on the west end of Galveston Island -
Jan 1, 1539
6) Fray Marcos and Esteban Journey
change Indians to Christianity, fray Marcos reported a city of gold bigger than Mexico City -
May 21, 1539
8) Moscoso’ Expedition
the expedition technically starts for Moscoso. De Soto dies thrown in the Mississippi river. didn't find a new route to New Spain gave up -
Feb 23, 1540
7) Coronado’s expedition
to find 7 cities of gold. not found led to the wrong place by a man who was killed