Oct 12, 1492
Columbus Finds New World
Goal: Find Faster Way to Cathay
Result:Lands in Bahamas and Finds North America
Outcome: Starts Expidition in Western Hemisphere -
Mar 1, 1519
Cortes Captures Mexico City For Spain
Area:Tenochiclan, Now Mexico City
Importance: Became Spainish Base for New World Operations -
Jun 2, 1519
Pineda finds the Alabama River
Result: Made map of Coast from Florida to Texas
Outcome: Future Conquisadors now know where land is -
Apr 15, 1528
Cabeza De Vaca Lands in Florida
Goal:To explore using Pineda's Map -
Nov 6, 1528
Cabeza de Vaca Shipwrecks on the Best island EVER!
How: attempted to sail to Cuba on Barges, but shipwrecked on Galveston
He was there for 8 years -
Mar 1, 1539
Fray Marcos and Esteban
Purpose: Find Cibola
Result: Fray Marcos lied about seeing Cibola
Importance:Sends Coronado to investigate more on Cibola -
Nov 17, 1539
Coronado Starts his Journey
Goal:Find Cibola
Went looking for Cibola, but then looked for Quivera
IMportance: Started slowing Expidition in Texas -
Jul 2, 1543
Mosoco & De Soto land in Florida
Leader: Hernando de Soto
Goal: Finish exploring Pineda's Map
Result: Found Mississippi, explored East Texas
Tortured Indians