Spanish Exploration

  • Jan 1, 1492

    Columbus' exploration

    Columbus' exploration
    Columbus wanted to find a shorter route to india for trade of spices. instead of finding a new way to india he found his way to north america.
  • Nov 15, 1505

    Moscosos expedition

    Moscosos expedition
    he teamed up with moscoso.
  • Nov 15, 1519


    cortez came and explored america. it was important because of the amount of gold he found.
  • Nov 15, 1519

    pinedas voyage

    pinedas voyage
    pineda was looking for the 3 g's, gold god and glory.
  • Jun 17, 1527

    fray marcos and esteban journey

    fray marcos and esteban journey
    the purpose of the journey was to get gold. they ended up in florida.
  • Nov 15, 1527

    De Vaca's starts his voyage

    De Vaca's starts his voyage
    De Vaca starts his journey. hks leader is narvaes.
  • Nov 15, 1528

    De vaca found texas

    De vaca found texas
    De Vaca found texas. he stayed in texas 8 years
  • Nov 15, 1542

    coronados expedition

    coronados expedition
    he was looking for gold. he mapped the gulf coast.