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Slaughterhouse Five Timeline Project

  • Billy was born

    Billy was born
    Billy was born on the 4th of July in 1922 in Ilium, New York. He was an only child who belonged to a barber. He also looked quite silly.
  • Billy's first time travel

    Billy's first time travel
    Billy is leaning on a tree in the forest when all of a sudden he travels all across time. He travels back and forth to places such as seeing his father die and his own birth. This is the first time he experiences his time travel.
  • Firebombing of Dresden

    Firebombing of Dresden
    On this day, Dredsen was firebombed by the British and Americans. Destroying most of the city and leaving it in ruins. Before this it was a beautiful city held by the Germans.
  • Mental Ward

    Mental Ward
    On this day, Billy commits himself to a non-violent mental ward. Here he meets Eliot Rosewater. Eliot there introduces Billy to the writings of Kilgore Trout.
  • Biily meets Kilgore Trout

    Biily meets Kilgore Trout
    BIlly meets his favorite author, Kilgore Trout. He then drives him around to help him deliver news papers. Trout is happy that he met a fan.
  • Kidnapped

    Billy was kidnapped by a flying saucer. He says that the saucer is tralfamadore. He was taken there, to the planet billions of miles away from earth. He is there where he is put in a zoo on display. There Billy meets Montana Wildhack, who was believed to be lost in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Billy's Plane Crash

    Billy's Plane Crash
    In 1968, Billy was in a plane crash with a group of optometrists going to Montreal for a convention. He is the only one to live the crash.
  • Death of Valencia

    Death of Valencia
    While Billy is recovering from the plane crash, Valencia was rushing to him. On her way, she gets in an accident. She then after dies in her car from carbon monoxide poisoning.
  • Billy's visit to NYC

    Billy's visit to NYC
    Billy goes to NYC, where he tries to appear on a radio show and speak to everyone about the Tralfamadorians, and time travel. He is kicked off of the show, as people there see him as insane.
  • Billy's Death

    Billy's Death
    Billy Pilrgrim was assassinated in Chicago directly after his time travel speech by a hit man hired by Paul Lazzaro. Lazarro had promised to avenge Roland Weary's death during war.