He was born on July 24, 1783, in Caracas, Venezuela.His nickname is the Liberator but his full name is imón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolivar Palacios Ponte y Blanco. His nationality is Bolivian, Venezuelan, Peruvian. -
He was very competitive, often challenging his officers to contests of swimming or horsemanship (and usually winning). He could stay up all night playing cards or drinking and singing with his men, who were fanatically loyal to him -
His parents died when he was young, and he was largely brought up by his nurse, family friends and a series of instructors and educators. One of the most influential of his teachers was Don Simon Rodriguez, who taught the young Bolivar about the ideals of liberty, enlightenment and freedom -
his war
He fought in war he was famous for winning. In war he used different thing to fight. He was a leader of his group. -
his wife
His wife name was María Teresa Rodríguez del Toro y Alaiza. He had no children. He had a famous quote Fellow citizens! I blush to say this: Independence is the only benefit we have acquired, to the detriment of all the rest." -
his weapons
His weapons during war was a pistol and other guns. H had a very special sword he used to kill hi enemies. H could kill anyone with his war. -
more of the war
The Latin American independence movement was launched a year after Bolivar's return, as Napoleon’s invasion of Spain unsettled Spanish authority. Napoleon also failed completely in his attempt to gain the support of the Spanish colonies, which claimed the right to nominate their own officials. Following the example of the mother country, they wished to establish juntas to rule in the name of the deposed Spanish king. -
Simon bolivar Quotes
He had a famous Nations will march towards the apex of their greatness at the same pace as their education. Nations will soar if their education soars; they will regress if it regresses. Nations will fall and sink in darkness if education is corrupted or completely abandoned Fellow citizens! I blush to say this: Independence is the only benefit we have acquired, to the detriment of all the rest. -
his school
His parents name s were María de la Concepción Palacios y Blanco, Colonel Don Juan Vicente Bolívar y Ponte. He went to a Private tutoring; the military academy of the Milicias de Aragua in Venezuela; military academy in Madrid -
At that time, a handful of families owned most of the land in Venezuela, and the Bolivar family was among the wealthiest in the colony. Both of his parents died while Simon was still young: he had no memory of his father, Juan Vicente, and his mother Concepcion Palacios died when he was 9 years old -
his award
He went into war with what may have been tuberculosis . simon won that war with a disease . Now there are awards named after him.