
Serial Killers: history of cannibals and vampires

By pdawalt
  • Jan 29, 1404

    Gilles de Rais

    Gilles de Rais
    His beloved was Joan of Ark, after she died, he went on a killing rampage. He started kidknapping a large number of children for his fantasy killings. He also, enjoyed drinking his victims blood, and engaging in nechrophilia. He would put their heads on stakes, fix their hair and make-up, then have a beauty contest. The winner would be the chosen one for his sexual gratification.
  • Jan 29, 1450

    Countess Elizabeth Bathory

    Countess Elizabeth Bathory
    Hungarian Countess practiced witchcraft and devil worship. She married and had children of her own but still maintained a love for young women and girls. While her husband was off at war she began slaying and torturing young women so she could bathe in their blood to keep her youthful appearance. Believed to be responsible for the death of hundreds of victims.
  • Period: Jan 1, 1500 to


  • Sawney Bean clan

    Sawney Bean clan
    In 1600 Sawney Bean began killing and eating travelers in Scotland. He married and his family grew yet everyone in the group engaged in killing robbing and cannabalism. Finally the Army stepped in and killed everyone in the clan. It is thought that the clan killed over 1,000 people.
  • English roylaty engage in cannabalism

    English roylaty engage in cannabalism
    British royalty engage in cannabalism because they believe it is good for their health.
  • Maori Tribes men

    Maori Tribes men
    Maori tribes people killed and ate 66 European people in New Zealand. It was one of the worst attacks on record.
  • Richard Chase

    Richard Chase
    In 1975 he tried injecting rabbit blood into his system and ended up with blood poisoning. He went to the hospital and was diagnosed with Schizophrenia. December 29, 1977 was his first murder. After killing 6 people he was sentenced to die in the gas chamber. He then committed suicide with anti-depressants and on December 26, 1980 he wa found dead. Chase was cannibalistic.
  • Andrei Chikatilo

    Andrei Chikatilo
    Chikatilo lured a 9 year old girl named Yelena Zakotnova to an old house which he secretly purchased' he attempted to rape her but failed to achieve an erection. When the girl struggled he choked her and stabbed her three times in the abdomen, ejaculating in the process of killing her.
  • Jeffery Dahmer

    Jeffery Dahmer
    Read Link :)
  • Roderick Ferrell

    Roderick Ferrell
    Roderick Ferrell was the leader of a cult from Murray, Kentucky, known as the "Vampire Clan." In 1998 Ferrel pled guilty to the double slaying of a couple from Eustis, Florida, becoming the youngest person in the U.S. to be on death row.
  • British Royalty engage in cannabalism as a medicinal cure

    British Royalty engage in cannabalism as a medicinal cure
    British Royalty beileived that human flesh was good for their health.