Robert Hooke
In order to create a good scince you have to be exact about your observences. Robert Hooke created his own compound microscope. He drew what he saw around him, throught the microscope. He coined the phrase cell. He created the new field called biolgy. -
Anton van Leeuwenhoek
Robert Hooke's work inspired Anton Leeuwenhoek. Anoton Leeuwenhoek was the first one to look through a microscope and see living organisms. He was the first person to reord and observe microbes. -
Matthais Jakob Schlieden
Matthais eft his law practice and became a professer of botney. He used microscopes to study plants. Based on his study he realied that all plants are made up of cells. Which was based on a new idea in his field. -
Ignaz Philipp Semmeweisws
He was a hangrain doctor who worked with people in Austria. He helped pregnant women from dying, of child bed fever. He noticed that doctors who would just perform an outopsy and then examined a pregnant woumen did not wash they're hands. After he reuquired that you must wash your hands. Immeditately he saw his patients death rate reduce from 12% to 1%. He suggested, to the other doctors and hospitals that they wash their hands before going onto another patient. -
Theodor Schwann
He was a good friend of Matthais. Instead of plants, he went and studied animals through a microscope. -
Louis Pastuer
He was a french chemist.He noticed tgar microbes cause food and drink to spoil, so he devoloped the process of paturization. (Heating things to kill microbes). He came up with the basis of the germ theory diease. -
Rudolf Carl Virchow
He was an educated polish Doctor. He studied ill patients for many years ad throughout his reserch, He found that cells reproduce to create new cells. He used these ideas while looking at diseases. Most of his patients had things such as Lukemia, cancer and other diseases. -
Flornece Nightingale
She was an elniglish nurse. She was one of the first people to notice the cleanliness and the importance of it. She determined it was diseases. Because of her sanitary practices fewer soilders died from infections. -
Robert Koch
He was a german doctor. He identifyed the microbes that caused anthrax and tuberculouses and cholera. He created a way to show what microbes caused certain diseases. He developed a new way to grow cultures of uncontaminated microbes. -
Joseph Lister
He was a Scottish surgen. He was concerned about the high death rate of his patients after surgery. After surgerys 45% of patients were dying due to infections. After he heard of Pastuer's germ theory of disease he decided to try killing germs with chemicals. In 1867 he started using antiseptic to clean surgical instruments and aprons. He also sprayed the air and required hand washing. Because of what he did, death rates of patients after surgery went down to 15%. -
William Stewart Halsted
He was an american suregen who bilt off of Joseph Lister's ideas. In 1980, he became one of the first knownn surgens to wear rubber gloves in surgeries. He would sterolize them with chemicals that should never be touched by human hands.