Eadweard Muybridge
Eadweard Muybridge was the inventor who created the moving picture. He was hired by a man named Leland Stanford who later went on to create Stanford University. Mr. Stanford hired Eadweard because he wanted to prove his theory that a horse has all its legs off the ground at once. Muybridge went to the horse track with his camera and took a bunch of pictures to prove Leland's theory correct. He then realized that the picture together made a scene. Now tons of movies are watched daily. -
Coca Cola
Coca Cola was invented back in 1886 by a pharmacist named John Pemberton made a tasty syrup. He walked down to his local Atlanta, GE pharmacy. There he mixed it with carbonated water and sold it for 5 cents a glass. He hired an accountant and named the beverage Coca Cola. He sold the company to a man who started to sell the beverage across the states. Next he sold the right to bottle it for 1 dollar. Then it really blew up and went worldwide. Now Coca Cola is the most popular brand. -
The Telephone
Now most of us have phones these days and that just goes to show the great success of Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the telephone. He created the telephone in Boston on March 10,1886. He used a wire and first discovered it worked when he wanted his assistant in the other room and called to him using it. Phones have evolved over the years and now have cameras and all kinds of different tools. They are now a globally utilized tool that most everyone has. -
Frank H. Hall
Frank Haven Hall was an American inventor who had many successful inventions but the one he was most know for was the braille typewriter. He had worked at The School for the Blind for many years and had gotten promoted many times until he was headmaster. At the time he felt the need to make braille easier to learn or write so he came up with the idea of a brailler. The way it worked was there were needles that would mechanically push dots out on the surface of the sheet of paper.