Period: 1214 to 1240
Early Achievements
Roger Bacon was bourn into a wealthy english family in 1214. He was afforded the ability to study geometry, arithmetic, music, astronomy setting him up later in life to attend Oxford University. Where he studied natural philosophy and mathematics. Receiving his MA. -
An Inspiration
He was influenced by a scholar by the name of Robert Grosseteste and began investing his time and resources in acquiring secret books, training assistants, meeting savants and constructing instruments. He researched optics, alchemy, astronomy and linguistics, during this time which set him up for his later works that Philosophized about the optic nerve and gun powder. -
Period: 1256 to 1279
The Challenge
Bacon became a friar in the Franciscan Order, where he struggled to publish his work due to the decree that the Order was not allowed to do so without prior approval fist. Bacon circumvented the Order by contacting Cardinal Guy le Gros de Foulques, who became Pope Clement IV in 1265. The Pope set forth a mandate requesting Bacon send his philosophical writings and his view on the possibility of philosophy in theology. Bacon created ‘Opus Majus’, ‘Opus Minus’ and ‘De Multiplicatione Specierum’ -
Opus Majus
This was his greater work that was broken up into seven parts and covered natural science, mathematics, grammar, logic, physics, and philosophy. Part 2, and Part 6 most pertain to philosophy of science Part 2 discuss the relationship of philosophy and theology, stating that theology is the foundation of sciences. Part 6 talks about experimental sciences, from here we have the first theory of gun powder and the potential uses for such; references to flying machines, steam ships among others