Robert Able

  • Robert able was born in London fourth of March 1767

    Robert able was born in London fourth of March 1767
    Robert Able was born in London
  • In 1769 his parents died

    His parents died when he was two
  • He was adopted in 1770

    He was adopted in 1770
    Adopted in 1770
  • In 1784 he was trailed at the Old Bailey for highway assault for the robbery value of five shillings, he was originally sentence to death by hanging but persuaded the judge to transport him instead

    In 1784 he was trailed at the Old Bailey for highway assault for the robbery value of five shillings, he was originally sentence to death by hanging  but persuaded the judge to transport him instead
    He was terrified
  • He left England in 1787 aboard the Alexandra h.m.s

    He left England in 1787 aboard the Alexandra h.m.s
    He left England in 1787
  • In 1788 he arrived in Botany Bay Sydney 26 of jan 1788

    In 1788 he arrived in Botany Bay Sydney 26 of jan 1788
    He thought this land was weird
  • In 1790 he’s stole sugar and receive 200 lashes find the cat and nine tails

    In 1790 he’s stole sugar and receive 200 lashes find the cat and nine tails
    In 1790 he stolesugar and received 200 lashes from the cat and nine tails
  • 1794 received a 30 acre of land bulanaming

    1794 he received a 30 acre of land bulanamming
  • He left the colony on the endeavour bound to India

    He left the colony in New South Wales to travel to India
  • There is no more Records of Robert able

    His death is unknown