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Roald Dahl

  • birth

    Roald Dahl was born
  • his sister and father die

    it is a sad point in his life
  • moving

    Roalds family moves to Bexly, London
  • war!

    Roald joins the army
  • pain

    roald has many surgries and then starts writing
  • hedaches

    he has headaches and has to stay in bed for many days
  • fail

    he tries to publish a book called fifty thousand frog skins and it doesn't work out
  • wedding

    Roald married his first wife
  • kids

    his first daughter is born
  • kid

    tessa (his daughter) was born
  • son

    His first son (Theo) is born
  • No!!

    Roalds daughter dies
  • kid

    His daughter Ophelia is born
  • books!

    Charlie and the choclate factory was published
  • even more books

    he published going solo
  • wedding2

    He marries Liccy his 2 wife
  • break up

    he divorces his first wife
  • more books

    he publishes boy
  • mother

    His mom dies at age 82
  • last kids book

    he writes matildia
  • deth

    roald dahl dies at age 74
  • later

    his 1 wife dies of lung cancer