Red Hunting Hat

  • In the begining (symbol)

    In the begining (symbol)
    In the begining of the story he talks about the hat in chapter 1. He later goes and talks about how alot of people don't like it.
    Chapter 1
  • Stradtler (symbol)

    Stradtler wears it to go on a date with jane. Jane is a girl that Holden likes and Stadtler is a atractive guy. He is very worried.
  • The Start (conflict)

    The start of the conflict is about the part when Straler goes on a dtae with jane. Holden loses his mind. His iner kid does not want to care however his adult lovs Jane.
  • Getting kicked out (thyme)

    Holden gt kickd out of his school. He just faced the hardship of growing up.
  • getting kicked out (thyme 2)

    Everytime something bad happend Holden would think that it was phony (fake, could not be happening). Holden thought that him getting kicked out was fake.
  • The Train (symbol)

    Holden is wheres his hat on the train brining him to new york. After he got in a fight with his roonmate.
  • The Tain (conflict)

    In ths part Holden is talking to a girl which he wants to have sexual encounter with. his adult really wants to but his iner child thinks its wrong.
  • The train again (thyme)

    Holden got rejeted buy a girl that he was trying to hook up with. The world is a hard place for young teenagers.
  • The taxi (thyme 2)

    Holden took a taxi to his hotel from his train stop. Holden was very lonely andhe asked the taxi driver if he would like to join him for a drink. The taxi driver said no. holden thought that no one culd say no to him thats why he thiught it was phony.
  • The people of New York (thyme 2)

    Holden tinks that everyone is phony except his sister. Holden thinks that since everyone acks diffrent they must all be phonys.
  • New York (symbol)

    He wheres his hat while in New York. It is diffrent then everyone else. He wheres it all the time in New York.
  • The lavender room (conflict)

    Holden wants to go get a drink in a bar in his hotel. There he meets 3 girls who he would like to have sexual enterorse with. Also he is drinking which shows is iner adult.
  • Lavender room (thyme)

    Holden again got rejeted buy 3 women. Holden is learning that growing up isn't so easy.
  • His Sister (symbol)

    Holden gives the hat to his sister as a present. Later he tells her he is leaving.
  • The club (confict)

    Holden goes to a club to drink. He drinks and smoks a lot throught the book.
  • The End (symbol)

    In the end his sister gave the red hunting hat back to holden. His sister fits in with the world hand holden doesn't. Thats why I think the auther had his sister guve the hat back to holden
  • The date (conflict)

    Holden goes ona date with a girl. he later asked her to run away with hm =, she said no. that brooke his heart. That impulse was his iner child coming out
  • The hooker (conflict)

    Holden hires a hooker in the book. That was his Adult impulse to do that. Later when she shows up he declines her survises.
  • The date (thyme)

    Holden got rejected again. however this time it ws diffrent. Holden asked his date to run away with him. She said no. Hoden was hart broken.
  • The way back from the club (thyme 2)

    Holden thinks that since the singer didn't want to have a drink with him that that is phony.
  • What It Means (symbol)

    The red hunting hat is important in this story. The hat is diffrent from everyone. The hat shows how diffrent he is from everyone. Because he is diffrent from everyone.
  • The conflict

    There are meny conflicts that happen during the boook. The one I will be traking is his fight from within him self (man vs himself). Holen wants to be an adukt and a child but can only pik one and he can't decide.
  • The Thymes

    The thymes that I will be talking about is The painfulnes of growing up(1) and The phonyness of the adult world(2). Holden doesn't want to grow up however he wants to do the adult things. And on the other hand Holden thins the adult world is fake that it can't be happening. So its Phony.