PSY A150

  • May 12, 1476


    Varian (18)
    He was always dismissed as being one of the most powerful warriors in this village but on this day he won the largest gladiator exhibition earning him the title "Lo'Gosh".
    In Erikson's fifth stage, Identity vs Role Confusion,
    The crisis is for Varian to become the warrior that he wants to be (identity) or losing and becoming the laughing stock of the village and not knowing what to do (Role Confusion)
  • Oct 31, 1487

    Young Adulthood

    Young Adulthood
    Varian (29)
    He knew that he would have to make amends with a neighboring faction for trade of resources that both sides needed.
    In Erikson's Sixth Stage, Intimacy vs Isolation,
    The crisis is that Varian would have to make a peaceful truce with the people of a neighboring clan (Intimacy) in order to get the resources that he needed. If he did not then his faction would perish (isolation).
  • Dec 24, 1511


    Varian (53)
    While holding on to the side of the airship Varian looked back on his life with fulfillment.
    In Erikson's eighth stage, Ego Integrity vs Despair,
    The conflict is weather or not Varian felt comfortable letting go of the side of the airship and impaling the giant Reaver to save his kingdom and family. He did through his life being fulfilled (Ego Integrity). If he did not let go, thinking he still had things to accomplish, the Reaver would have come and destroyed his army (Despair).