President Fillmore JD

  • Birth of Millard Fillmore

    Birth of Millard Fillmore
    Millard Fillmore was born on January 7th, 1800 to Nathaniel and Phoebe Fillmore. He was born in Locke, New York which is now named Summerhill, New York.
  • New Hope Academy

    New Hope Academy
    Millard Fillmore was uneducated until he went to New Hope Academy when he was 19. He ended up marrying his teacher that taught him there.
  • Fillmore's first job

    Fillmore's first job
    Millard Fillmore worked as a school teacher for some time while courting with Abigail. He was the 2nd president to be a school teacher.
  • Fillmore becomes a lawyer

    Fillmore becomes a lawyer
    Fillmore joined a law practice in 1823, and created his own in 1830 with his friend.
  • Marriage to Abigail Powers

    Marriage to Abigail Powers
    Millard Fillmore fell in love with a beautiful lady at his school. What was unusual about this marriage is that he married his teacher.
  • Fillmore joins Anti-Masonic party

    Fillmore joins Anti-Masonic party
    Millard Fillmore joined the Anti-Masonic party which was originally a religious movement against the Freemasonry party, and eventually became a political party.
  • Birth of Millard Powers Fillmore

    Birth of Millard Powers Fillmore
    Millard and Abigail had a child in Aurora New York two years after they had got married.
  • Fillmore joins Whig party

    Fillmore joins Whig party
    The Whigs promoted protective tariffs, federal funding for internal improvements, and other measures that strengthened the central government. Fillmore joined the party and became Zachary Taylor's vice president and when he died Fillmore became the president.
  • Mary Abigail Fillmore birth

    Mary Abigail Fillmore birth
    Millard and Abigail had a second child almost exactly 4 years after Millard Jr. was born. Mary was born in Buffalo.
  • Fillmore becomes vice president

    Fillmore becomes vice president
    Millard Fillmore and Zachary Taylor were voted into be president and vice president as the Whig party representatives.
  • First model of the telephone

    First model of the telephone
    Antonio Meucci invents the first model of the telephone which does not work perfect, but it give the idea to Alexander Graham Bell to invent a good one two years after Fillmore's death.
  • Marriage to Caroline Carmichael McIntosh

    Marriage to Caroline Carmichael McIntosh
    In Albany New York Millard Fillmore married Caroline Carmichael McIntosh. This was when he was 58 and after his presidency.
  • Fillmore becomes president

    Fillmore becomes president
    He was inaugurated the day after Zachary Taylor died in his bed after being sick for a while. Fillmore was the 2nd accidental president while John Tyler was the first.
  • Fillmore is made into office

    Fillmore is made into office
    After Zachary Taylor's death Fillmore was made the president as a part of the Whig political party.
  • Fillmore passes the Compromise of 1850

    Fillmore passes the Compromise of 1850
    The Compromise of 1850 was the most important law that was passed in Fillmore's presidency. It made multiple territories states and added some new territories, but the big thing was the Fugitive Slave bill.
  • Fugitive Slave bill is passed

    Fugitive Slave bill is passed
    The Fugitive Slave Bill was a part of the Compromise, but was passed nine days later. It stated all runaway slaves in the North could be chased by Southern plantation owners. They could even have the government help them catch the slaves. This was meant to prevent the civil war.
  • Brigham Young named governer

    Brigham Young named governer
    Fillmore makes Brigham Young the president of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, governor of the Utah Territory. Young leads thousands of members to settle in the territory,
  • Treaty with El Salvador

    Treaty with El Salvador
    Millard Fillmore and the government created a commercial treaty with El Salvador on this day.
  • Gold discovered in Oregon

    Gold discovered in Oregon
    Gold is discovered in a river making a new place to search for the gold miners from the 49 gold rush in California.
  • Agreements with Japan

    Agreements with Japan
    In 1853 Millard Fillmore sent Commodore Matthew Perry to Japan to open trade with them. The effects weren't felt until after Fillmore's presidency, but eventually Japanese ports were opened to US ships, and that then led to a trade agreement.
  • Transcontinental railroad authorized

    Transcontinental railroad authorized
    Just before Fillmore leaves office to make way for Franklin Pierce congress authorizes the surveying for the transcontinental railroad.
  • Fillmore leaves office

    Fillmore leaves office
    Fillmore leaves office after finishing Zachary Taylor's term and Franklin Pierce is elected in his place.
  • Fillmore retires to Buffalo, New York

    Fillmore retires to Buffalo, New York
    After leaving the presidency he went back to his home in Buffalo New York.
  • Abigail Powers death

    Abigail Powers death
    Abigail Powers, Fillmore's wife, died on March 30th 1853 of pneumonia and was buried in Buffalo, New York.
  • Fillmore joins the Know-Nothing party

    Fillmore joins the Know-Nothing party
    The Know Nothing party wanted to place restrictions on immigration, the exclusion of the foreign-born from voting or holding public office in the United States, and for a 21-year residency requirement for citizenship. Fillmore joined this after the Whig party fell apart after his presidency.
  • Fillmore joins the democrat party

    Fillmore joins the democrat party
    Fillmore joined his last political party, the democrats and did not switch parties after this. Although he was the last president not to be affiliated with the democrat or republican parties he joined the democrats after his previous parties fell apart.
  • Civil war

    Civil war
    While the civil war was going on Fillmore supported the Union, and helped leaders from both sides trying to stop the war.
  • Fillmore's death

    Fillmore's death
    Millard Fillmore's life of trying to prevent the Civil war was over when he had a stroke at home and died.
  • Burial

    Fillmore was buried next to his first wife in forest lawn cemetery in Buffalo, NY.
  • Caroline Carmichael dies

    Caroline Carmichael dies
    Fillmore's 2nd wife dies in Buffalo, New York less than a decade after Fillmore dies.