Paul feyerabend berkeley

Paul Feyerabend: Jan13,1924/Feb11,1994

  • In The Beggening: Born Jan 13 1924 Death Feb 11 1994

    In The Beggening: Born Jan 13 1924 Death Feb 11 1994
    Paul Feyerbend was born Jan 13 1924 in Vienna (Edward N. Zalta). When he was six years old he attended school for the first time (Edward N. Zalta). It wasn't long before he took strides in reading and learning (Edward N. Zalta). He eventually made in the higher percentile of the class and by the time he was in high school he ended up knowing more in physics and math than even the teachers (Edward N. Zalta).
  • Free thinking

    Free thinking
    Although interrupted by his participation in World War II, Paul picked things back up after receiving a job from the mayor of Apolda and then eventually receiving a state fellowship studying singing and stage management (Edward N. Zalta). At Alpbach, he met his new friend and teacher Walter Hollitscher (Edward N. Zalta). It was from his teaching along with watching and meeting karl popper that he began writing (Edward N. Zalta).
  • First Big Break Away

    First Big Break Away
    After his build up to creative thinking, later in his life Feyerabend in 1970 published an artical called "Against Method" (Edward N. Zalta). This was a huge step towards conveying his thought process. Feyerabend was for being against a strict method or pattern in science (Edward N. Zalta). He was known for supporting creativity and free thinking. His thoughts aligned with Karl popper and was against the narrow minded thinking process in science (Edward N. Zalta).
  • In The End

    In The End
    In the early nineties, Feyerabend continued to teach and lecture at The University of Berkley (Edward N. Zalta). It was there that he published multiple papers and began on his autobiography (Edward N. Zalta). It was published a year after his death in 1995 and he wanted to express love more so than established papers of science (Edward N. Zalta). He taught us to think freely not just on one thing.