
By jeserv4
  • Part One: Chapter 1

    Part One: Chapter 1
    In London, Oceania, this guy named Winston Smith he arrived in his small apartment. Big Brother had its face everywhere. WInston then sits down and starts a diary this is punishable by death. Everyone is being watched through their tv's which are able to be recorded by a device. He was writing and had a memory earlier that week he felt an instant attraction to a girl he met in his building, he thought that she was following him. He also got a memory of having an encounter with O'Brien.
  • Part One: Chapter 2

    Part One: Chapter 2
    This lady named Mrs Parsons knocked on WInstons door to ask if he could unclog her sink because her husband isn't home, her children call him a traitor. Winston then goes back home and continues his diary. WInston then thinks of O'Brein again and remembers a dream from 7 years ago. Then winston realized who the audience for his diary was.
  • Part One: Chapter 3

    Part One: Chapter 3
    Winston has been having these dreams of his mother and sisters death. He doesn't remeber the death of them but he feels as if its his fault. Winston started his excercise infront of the telescreen for the Physical Jerks, a daily excercise for Outer party members. While he was excersing he thought of the past and got a flashback of their death. He got distracted and the instructur yelled at him through the telescreen.
  • Part One: Chapter 4

    Part One: Chapter 4
    We were told at the beginning what WInstons job was and now Winston has this task in which he has to re-write an article that Big brother commended someone who's now in the party's disfavor. WInston is supposed to make it seem as if he existed but he really did not exist this was suprising to Winston because he was able to create a dead man but not a living one
  • Part One: Chapter 5

    Part One: Chapter 5
    One of Winstons "friends' Syme lectures him on Newspeak. Newspeak makes Winston feel weird but he wouldn't show it. Another one of Winstons friends joins them and tells Winston that his children are always on watch for unorthodox behaviour. Winston then sees the girl (Julia) from the Fiction department and he's sure that she is a member of the Thought Police.
  • Part One: Chapter 6

    Part One: Chapter 6
    Winston reveals his secret of his diary to an againg prostitute. This just shows his desire towards a sexual experience. He thinks about his wife Katherine who left him 11 years ago. They divorced because she was just very cold to him because she was so orthodox to the Party.
  • Part One: Chapter 7

    Part One: Chapter 7
    Winston began writing about how he wishes the proles rebelled and he really believes they can over turn the party. While writing he remembers a time where he was sitting next to three men at a coffee shop and they were killed by the party for beng enemies. Winston had seen a picture of these men and this proved that men were forced to confess to false crimes. He then realized who he wrote the diary for O'Brien. He believes that he is the only one on his side.
  • Part One: Chapter 8

    Part One: Chapter 8
    While Winston was walking through one of the prole neighborhoods a bomb fell near him. He then enters a pub and sits down and talks to this old guy about the time before war. This guy refuses to answer any of his questions. He then goes back to the antique shop were he bought his diary and he talks to the owners for a bit then she sells him an antique paperweight and then shows him an upstairs room the room has no telescreen. When he was leaving the shop he saw the dark haired girl.
  • Part two: Chapter 1

    Part two: Chapter 1
    Winston sees the dark haired girl again and she had a cast on. She fell over and he helped her up and she gave him a note. The note said I LOVE YOU. He wasn't really so sure about it and when he thought of it Parsons inturrepted him and began to speak about hate week. He tried for days to sit with her but couldn't. Finally they were able to sit together and they talk about meeting up at Victory square and when they meet there they plan on meeting at country side next.
  • Part two: Chapter 2

    Part two: Chapter 2
    Winston and the girl finally meet up in the country side and at this point winston is very comftarable around her and believes she is not a spy, but he does still think they could be recorded. They get where they want to be and she reveals herself her name is Julia and she removed her sash. They then made love there when they finished winston asked if she had any past lovers and she said yes. This brought Winston hope.
  • Part two: Chapter 3

    Part two: Chapter 3
    The next morning Julia the explains how she is going to return to London. They returned to their past life but continued to meet up at various places. Julia then tells Winston hows shes living and how she feels towards the party. She doesn't like it because its controlling and it doesn't let her have fun
  • Part two: Chapter 4

    Part two: Chapter 4
    Winston began to look around the room that he rented from Mr. Charrington. In one of their meetups Julia brings a long some items from the inner party, and she puts on makeup this time to show her feminine side. They make love again but this time spot a rat. Julia then sees the paperweight and asks him about it he says its how he gets to his past.
  • Part two: Chapter 5

    Part two: Chapter 5
    Out of no where Syme vanished, but there was a lot of preperations for Hate week that made everyone happy. Winston was very thoughtful that week he thought of the room he rented a lot for some reason, and he thinks of his ex- wife dying so he could marry Julia. He even thought of becoming prole, and Julia told Winston all about the party and how they disguised the truth as lies.
  • Part two: Chapter 6

    Part two: Chapter 6
    Winston finally meets O'Brien and they spoke for a very short moment in the highways of the ministry of truth. While they were talking he felt very nervous but happy. WInston thinks that he might get killed and what he just did might of caused his death. But this doesn't stop him from being able to speak with him about the rebellion.
  • Part two: Chapter 7

    Part two: Chapter 7
    Winston had a nightmare of his mother and he began crying and Julia asked what was wrong and he replied with he felt as if he was the one that caused his mothers death. Winstons says all these things that make him seem like we greeedy and a bad person. This leads to them having a talking saying that they will one day sooner or later get caught. But they love eachother so much that they say nothing will stop them from loving eachother and they will conffess to everything if caught.
  • Part two: Chapter 8

    Part two: Chapter 8
    Julia and Winston went to O'Briens house and he turned the telescreen off when they got there they were so suprised. Winston speaks about his unfaithfulness to the Party and wanting to join the brotherhood. O'Brien tells him this a true orginization. He tells him that they would have to sacrifice everything!
  • Part two: Chapter 9a

    Part two: Chapter 9a
    Winston was working A LOT. Oceina all of a sudden swithced their enemies and allies out of no where. So this adds more work for Winston to do. At time they would be in the middle of a war and would have to announce that they are in fact at war with eastasia not euarasia. In his rented room Winston began reading the Goldsteins manual wher the real meaning of war is peace.
  • Part two: Chapter 9b

    Part two: Chapter 9b
    Winston found out why there is an upper, middle, and lower class. It it said that if the lower class learns too much they won't find the need to listen and then everything will go into war. All the party wants to do is conquer all of the Eart and take away their posibility of independent thoughts because they want an endless war going.