

By 35579
  • Exposition: setting

    Tom Vincent left Calumet Camp on the Yukon with a light pack on his back to prospect and hunt moose.
  • Exposition: characterization

    Tom Vincent had heard to never travel alone many times and laughed.
  • Rising Action

    Tom takes off his mittens to eat a biscuit, and his fingers begin to show the first signs of freezing.
  • Rising Action

    Tom begins to feel his body freezing, so he began to run briskly up the trail.
  • Climax

    Tom Vincent falls through the frozen creek, and struggles to get out of the freezing water.
  • Falling Action

    In an attempt to warm his freezing body, Tom gathers dry twigs and leaves to fuel a fire; as the fire kindled, snow fell from the trees and blotted out his fire.
  • Falling Action

    Tom attempts to rebuild the fire; however, his fingers are so cold that he cannot bend them, so he is forced to grab matches and twigs with the tips of his fingers.
  • Falling Action

    After a long struggle, Tom is able to finally light a match; however, because of the loss of movement in his fingers, he drops the ignited match in the snow.
  • Falling Action

    Tom is able to light a bunch of matches at one, but the matches begin burning his flesh causing him to involuntarily drop the matches in the snow, again.
  • Falling Action

    Tom remembers hearing of a moose camp around his location; after minutes of searching, he finds the camp deserted.
  • Falling Action

    Again, Tom lights a bunch of matches. This time he is prepared to burn himself in order to save his life, and he was successful in igniting a pile of leaves and twigs.
  • Resolution

    The fire gained steadily.
  • Resolution

    Tom then saves his hands by alternating sticking them in the fire and the snow.
  • Resolution

    Tom limps into the moose camp, and stays there for a month recovering from his ailments.