• Exposition: Setting

    Exposition: Setting
    It was on a bleak January day. He left Calumet Camp to go up to Paul Creek.
  • Exposition: Characterization

    He was a strong young man; he had big bones and big muscles.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    He tried to eat a biscuit but couldn’t finish it because his fingers began to get cold.
  • Rising Action

    He traveled up the creek.
  • Climax

    He broke through the ice, plummeting into the freezing cold water.
  • Falling Action

    He was fighting nature for his life.
  • Falling Action

    He attempts to build a fire.
  • Falling Action

    He attempts to build a fire again.
  • Falling Action

    He set his sights on some twigs and went to them struggling because his hands were so cold and useless.
  • Resolution

    He finally arrives at the camp on Cherry Creek.