By 35045
  • Exposition: setting

    Exposition: setting
    It was a bleak January day, he had left Calumet Camp to go up in between Paul Creek and Cherry Creek.
  • Exposition: Characterization

    Exposition: Characterization
    He was a young fellow, big-bond and big- muscled, with faith in himself.
  • Rising Action

    Rising Action
    He could barely chew his food because his hands were numb.
  • Climax

    When he broke through the ice and the cold water strikes his feet and ankles. The only thing he could do was build a fire.
  • Falling Action

    Falling Action
    The falling action is when he is fighting for his life, He tries to build a fire under the tree and the snow burns it out
  • Resolution

    The man begins his journey to find his other friends