Of Beetles and Angels

  • 1960 ? Dad's life

    Mawi's dad did not have a high school education, but he read many books which eventually he was able to test and become a well known doctor in his time.
  • 1960's Mawi's dad

    Haileab was liked by many, and hated. Since many knew that he was able to help and he was willing to, they would start to come up to him and say do not help this person because he did this to my brother.
  • Mawi's parents meeting

    Mawi's parents came from different tribes, but at the time there was peace between the two. Over time the tribes started to not like each other which concerned Haileab and Tsege
  • Living in Sudan

    They lived in a village, they had little to nothing for survival. School was not any better, they were beat.
  • Coming to America

    They came to America , and moved to Chicago. They hoped for the American dream to come true for them. Little did they know that they would be living in a small apartment, and the American dream would soon become just a dream.
  • The Angels in their lives

    While facing many challenges to make the adjustments of living in the USA, they did have few people who saw their need and helped them out
  • Trouble in the classroom

    Starting a new school in a new country was a challenge each of the children faced. They were of a difference race, and didn't know much English. So they were bullied and got into a lot of fights. But they stuck together and did what they had to do to keep them from getting beat up.
  • Innocent ???

    In their days of youth, they would go crazy on halloween, and sometimes steal money from the parking meters .
  • Fathers request

    When their father found out they were getting into trouble at school, he yelled at them and told them that they need to do good in school or else he would "make them lost".
  • Tewolde and Libee Migbar

    Tewolde started to grow in many ways, his heart was caring, he did all he could to help those in need, even with the little money he had.
  • Sandwiches and the Homeless Man

    Tewolde saw the homeless man in need, and helped him find a job, home, and get him back on his feet.
  • Dad's health

    Their dad's health started to get worse, lost his job because of it, and started to go crazy.
  • Tewolde and his cleaning buisness

    He started his own cleaning business and earned money to help out his family, save for college, and donating to Compassion International.
  • Twedole Death

    He was killed by a drunk driver and never made it to college.
  • Mawi Freshman

    Coach Kroger had saw Mawi run in basketball and inspired him to join the track team. Later Kroger had been a supporter behind the scene supporting Mawi financially. Mawi went to state for track.
  • Listening to the adults stories

    Many stories were shared about what life was like when the elders in their family were growing up in the Sudan. They called these times "Coffee Tales". ( throwback )
  • Scholarships and College

    Mawi started to apply for scholarships, and applying for colleges. He was determined to get into a good college/university. Harvard accepted him and offered him a full ride scholarship.
  • Dad's passing

    Mawi's dad got to see him off to college, and visit him as well, before passing away.
  • Harvard Grad

    Mawi graduates, gives a speech, and I'm assuming with the time of him being there he achieved a Masters.