Feb 19, 1473
Birth of Nicolaus
This is the day Nicolaus was born, he was born in Poland. -
Death of Nicolaus’ father
His age at this time was 10 years old. This is the year his father died -
Started university
This is the year he started university and learnt useful things that helped him discover the Copernican Revolution -
Went to Italy for studies
This is when he went to Italy to study law. Yet he studied other things instead -
Returned from Italy
The time when he returned from Italy after studying there -
Approximate time of discovery of the Copernican Revolution
This is somewhere about in time where he discovered his theory -
Disagreement with the Nicolaus’ theory
This is when a religious leader started to go against Nicolaus’ theory about our solar system -
May 15, 1543
Death of Nicolaus
This is the day that Nicolaus Copernicus passed away.