
Nick McKeown - Nicolas Monroy

  • Birth

    Nick McKeown was born in Bedford, England.
  • Bachelor's Degree

    Bachelor's Degree
    Nick McKeown gets his Bachelor's Degree from the University of Leeds.
  • Period: to

    Hewlett-Packard Labs

    From 1986 to 1989, he worked for Hewlett-Packard Labs, an exploratory research group for Hewlett-Packard Enterprises.
  • New Country

    New Country
    He moves from England to the United States of America.
  • Master's Degree

    Master's Degree
    He gets his Master's Degree from the University of California at Berekely.
  • PhD

    He receives his PhD from the University of California at Berkeley.
  • Job at Stanford

    Job at Stanford
    He becomes an assistance teacher of electrical engineering and computer science at Stanford University.
  • GSR 12000

    GSR 12000
    He helped design the GSR 12000 router for Cisco Systems.
  • New Company

    New Company
    He co-founds Abrizio Inc. with Anders Swahn. Abrizio Inc. made switching fabric chip sets. He was the CTO.
  • Big Sale

    Big Sale
    He sells Abrizio Inc. to PMC-Sierra for stock shares worth about $400 million.
  • Stephen O. Rice Prize

    Stephen O. Rice Prize
    He wins the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) Stephen O. Rice prize for a paper that he co-authored with Adisak Mekkittikul, Venkat Anantharam, and Jean Walrand.
  • Promotion

    He gets promoted to associate professor at Stanford University.
  • Nemo Systems

    Nemo Systems
    He co-founded Nemo Systems with Sundar Iyer. Nemo Systems was a developer of network memory. He was CEO of the company.
  • Another Sale

    Another Sale
    He sells Nemo Systems to Cisco Systems for $12.5 million cash.
  • Lovelace Medal

    Lovelace Medal
    He wins the Lovelace Medal from the British Computer Society where he gave a lecture on internet routers.
  • Clean Slate Program

    Clean Slate Program
    He becomes the faculty director of the Clean Slate Program, a program that tried to redesign the internet with a clean slate.
  • TED Conference

    TED Conference
    He performed at the 2006 TED Conference where he juggled for 3 minutes while reciting the first 200 digits of Pi.
  • Nicira Networks

    Nicira Networks
    He co-found Nicira Networks, a software defined networking company, with Martin Casado and Scott Shenker
  • Another Award

    Another Award
    He wins the Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award.
  • And Another Award

    And Another Award
    He wins the Abolition Award for his contributions to the movement to abolish the death penalty.
  • Professor Mckeown

    Professor Mckeown
    He becomes a full professor at Stanford University.
  • Open Networking Foundation

    Open Networking Foundation
    He founds the Open Networking Foundation with Scott Shenker, aiming to promote networking.
  • Life Achievement Award

    Life Achievement Award
    He wins the ACM Sigcomm life achievement award for designing, analyzing, and engineering high performance routers, which made a huge impact on the global internet.
  • Contributing To The Economy

    Contributing To The Economy
    VMWare buys Nicira Networks for $1.26 billion.
  • Present Day

    Present Day
    Nick Mckeown has led a very successful life. He is known for being one of the pioneers of software defined networking, which is a form of cloud computing that allows efficient network configuration and makes network management easier. He is currently a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at Stanford University. He is a member of the US National Academy of Engineering, the UK's Royal Academy of Engineering, the IEEE, and the Association for Computer Machinery.