Jan 1, 1250
Arrival of the Polynesians.
The Polynesians arrived in 1250AD.The date is unknown but the year has been estimated through radio-carbon a scientific method. -
Period: Jan 1, 1250 to Jan 2, 1250
Abel Tasman
Abel Tasman a dutch explorer came to NZ although he never landed ashore Golden Bay is named after him it use to be called Murderer's Bay due to him losing some of his men. -
Jean Francois-Marie de Surville
He explored Doubtless Bay. -
Marion du Fresne
He explored Bay of Islands.The Maoris attacked killed and ate his men so in revenge he killed over 200 maoris. -
James Cook
James cook was an explorer in which he came to explore NZ he respected the Maori and they respected him although at one stage there was conflict. -
James Cook
He came again.
(Date and Month unknown). -
Seal Hunting
Seal hunting occourred in NZ in 1791.(Date unknown,month known),They were hunted for there skins.Eber Bunker,was the captain of the William and Ann in wehich he came in 1791. -
Whaling began in 1792 in Fiordland.It wasnt until 1828 that it was called 'Shore Whaling' Station. -
Period: to