
Never Cry Wolf

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    Grandmother's House in Ontario

    At age five when Mowat first discovered two catfish in a dirty pond near his grandmother’s home in Ontario. He is curious about the fish, which leads him to get interested in Biology.
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    He Gets Biology Degree

    After getting interested Mowat gets a degree in Biology. Which leads him to getting hired by the Department of Mines and Resources.
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    His Job

    The Department of Mines and Resources sends him on his first job. His is to investigate the problem of the decreasing amount of deer, considered to be caused by the wolves.
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    Preparing to Go

    The Government gives him everything that they think he needs. They load all the stuff into an Air Force transport and send him off on his way,
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    Secound Leg of the Flight

    After staying a long time in Churchill, a town near the wolves habitat, he finally finds someone willing to fly him out. The pilot flies him out to the middle of a frozen lake.
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    Start of Troubles

    Mowat has arrived at his destination but has no idea what to do. He sets up his portable radio to get some instructions, but it only leads to more problems.
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    Help Arrives

    After a long time Mike appears, a half Eskimo half white, with his team of huskies arrives. He takes Mowat to his cabin, were Mowat unpacks all of his belongings. After a mishap, Mike in fear of Mowat leaves.
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    First Sight

    After Mike leaves, Mowat decided to look for wolves, after seeing their paw prints he is both happy and surprised. Later on, he has his first encounter with the wolves.
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    The Wolves Den

    After finding the wolves den, or at least what he thinks is the wolf den, he watches the area. He almost gets discouraged until he spots some wolves.
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    Ootek is an Eskimo that Mowat meets, Ootek has a lot of knowledge about the wolves, their behavior, what they eat, how they act. He soon becomes interested in Mowat's work and joins him in observations.
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    His Own Den

    After some time, Mowat sets up his own tent near the wolves den. This is when he first marks the bushes to show that it is his territory. Though later on, he realizes he didn't need to do so.
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    Becoming a Wolf

    At first, Mowat watches the wolves relentlessly. He never misses when the do something and observes every little detail. He even starts to act like a wolf and copies some of their habits.
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    Mice and Wolves

    As the caribou herds move away, Mowat starts to wonder what the wolves eat instead. After some more investigating, he founds out that they eat mice.
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    Mice Cooking

    Inspired by the wolves, Mowat decides to do some of his own mice cooking. Thus he creates the Souris a la Creme, which has a lot of mice in it.
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    Ootek's Ability

    Ootek and Mowat worked very closely together as Mowat learns more about the wolves. This is when Mowat learns that Ootek can talk to the wolves
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    Pups are Moved

    Mowat learns that the pups are moved to a different den as they get older to continue the rest of their education. Mowat had feared that the wolves were trying to take distance from them.
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    Mowat gets interested and tries to find out wolf mating behavior. He tries and experiment and gets his result.
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    Slow Summer

    As Summer goes by nothing very interesting happens. Mowat does observe different behaviors from the wolves, but not very often.
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    Back of Track

    As time goes by Mowat looks back at his mission. He remembers that he needs to study the wolf predator and prey relationship.
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    To Farther Land

    Mowat decides to change location a bit, so he can focus on the predator and prey relationship. They get into the canoe and travel by the river. He learns many interesting things as they travel on their way.
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    Mowat and Ootek journey to learn about the Caribou for a long time. In the middle of September, they decide to go back.
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    Back Home

    Mowat's journey comes to an end as the pilot returns to take him back. The government still believes that the wolves are killing the deer, which Mowat now knows the truth about.