11,000 BCE
grand cosmic yawn created the earth -
10,000 BCE
Begin of First order (Gaia and Tartarus)
Gaia (earth) and Tartarus (depths and caves beneath earth) were born at the same time as Erebus and Nyx. -
10,000 BCE
begin of the First Order (Erebus, Nyx and children)
Erebus (darkness) and Nyx (night). Parents of Hemera (day) and Aether (light). -
10,000 BCE
Gaia gave birth to Pontus and Ouranos
She gave birth without having sex. Ouranos is the sky and Pontus is the sea. Hemera and Aether created Thalassa (female part of the sea) -
9000 BCE
Begin of the Second order
Time began. Meaning began.
Ouranos and Gaia made 12 children. 6 male, 6 female. males: Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, Kronos.
females: Theia, themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, Tethys, Rhea. -
9000 BCE
Gaia gave the world two sets of triplets
Cyclopes: one-eyed giants. Brontes (thunder), Steropes (lightning) and Arges (brightness).
Hecatonchires: each had fifty heads and hundred handd, very violent and powerful. Cottus (furious), Gyges (long-limbed), Briareos (vigorous)
Ouranos put all of them back into Gaia's womb. -
9000 BCE
Gaia wants to take revenge on Ouranos
She asks all her children: 'Will you kill your father and rule the cosmos with me?'
Nobody wanted it, except for Kronos, who was with Tartarus. -
9000 BCE
Kronos kills his father Ouranos
Kronos was hiding and waiting for Ouranos to come to Gaia. Once he came, he stepped sideways and raised the great sickle. He killed Ouranos and Ouranos screamed. He said: 'May your children destroy you as you destroyed me'. Gaia was crying. Kronos became the most powerful man on Earth -
9000 BCE
Creation were born out of the blood of Ouranos
the Erinyes (Furies), Alecto (remorseless), Megaera (jealous rage), Tisiphone (vengeance). The Eumenides (kindly ones) and the Gigantes. -
8000 BCE
Rhea and Kronos gave birth to Hestia
Hestia, but Kronos killed her because he remembered the words from his father: May your children destroy you as you destroyed me. You did not want to die, so he killed her. -
7000 BCE
Kronos killed every child
Rhea gave birth to Hades, Demeter, Poseidon, Hera. Kronos swallowed all of them. -
6000 BCE
Zeus was born on Crete
She was pregnant again. She came up with a plan with Ouranos and Gaia. She had a stone and swaddled it in linen. Kronos bolted the stone down in one great gulp. Rhea gave birth on Crete and she named the child Zeus. -
6000 BCE
The Titans were born
In a conversation between Rhea and Kronos, Zeus disappeared in front of them. the stone in Kronos did his work and he spewed all the five children he had swallowed. They are the titans and the gods. -
5000 BCE
Muses were born
Muses are nine creative daughters of Zeus and Memory.
Calliope, Clio, Erato, Euterpe, Melpomene, Polyhymnia, Terpsichore, Thalia, Urania. -
5000 BCE
The domains of the Third order.
Zeus gave each of his siblings, their own domain.
Hestia, god of hearth and home (focus in Latin), hospitality.
Hades, king of the underworld, pain, death, punishment.
Poseidon, God of oceans, helps Zeus.
Demeter, very beautiful and had a daughter with her own brother Zeus, named Persephone. God of harvest, growth and seasons.
Hera, husband of Zeus. Often jealous and imperious. Queen of Heaven. -
5000 BCE
First kid of Hera and Zeus was born.
His name was Hephaestus. Was ugly and bounced off a cliff. He grew op on the island Lemnos, where he learned how to make objects with metal. He returned to the Gods, without them knowing he was alive. He chose the Clyclopes as his assistants with the crafting. He became the god of fire, blacksmiths, sculptors and metalworkers. He fell in love with Aphrodite, who was in love with Ares before him -
5000 BCE
Second kid of Hera and Zeus was born
His name was Ares, god of war. A violent and aggressive boy. Fell in love with Aphrodite. -
4500 BCE
Second kid of Hera and Zeus was born
His name was Ares, god of war. A violent and aggressive boy. Fell in love with Aphrodite. -
4000 BCE
Athena was born out of the head of Zeus
She was dressed in full armour. Her mother was Metis. God of law, justice, handicraft. warcraft, love and beauty. Ares and Athena were both gods of war, but Athena was more tactical and Ares loved the fighting. She remained untouched by man. -
4000 BCE
The last child of Zeus was born
Hermes was born out of Maia. He was super strong from the first moment. He became the god of thieves, liars, story-tellers and sportsmen. -
4000 BCE
Zeus became a father of twins
Leto was the mom and she gave birth on the island of Delos. Artemis and Apollo were born. -
4000 BCE
The Olympians are complete.