My Brother Sam is Dead

By 15792
  • Battle of Lexington and Concord

    Battle of Lexington and Concord
    The Battle of Lexington and Concord takes place, The revolutionary war begins with this battle.
  • Sam Comes Home

    Sam Comes Home
    Sam comes home from college at Yale. He tells his family about the battle of Lexington and Concord, and how he fought with the Patriots. Conflict within the family already begins to develop, because Father is a passionate Loyalist.
  • Sam takes the Brown Bess

    Sam takes the Brown Bess
    Sam needs a gun to fight in the war, so he wants the Brown Bess. He doesn't want to ask Father because the war is such a sensitive topic for the family, so he steals the gun instead.
  • Period: to

    My Brother Sam is Dead

  • Battle of Bunker Hill

    Battle of Bunker Hill
    The Battle of Bunker Hill takes place and the Patriots position themselves on Bunker Hill, ready for battle. The Patriot forces were low on ammunition and could only hold off the British for so long. The British won the battle, but at a high price.
  • Continental Officers come for the Brown Bess

    Continental Officers come for the Brown Bess
    Continental Officers come aroung to disarm Tories. They know Mr. Meeker has a gun, so they try to take it from him. He does not have the gun though because Sam stole it, leaving Mr. Meeker in big trouble.
  • Battle of Long Island

    Battle of Long Island
    This battle was a huge defeat for the Patriots. The British won this battle, and forced the Patriots to retreat. Morale of the Patriot troops was greatly lowered after this battle
  • Father and Tim's journey to Verplancks Point

    Father and Tim's journey to Verplancks Point
    Father and Tim make their annual trip to Verplancks Point to sell cattle. Both on the way there and back they get into trouble with cowboys. On the way back Father gets taken by the cowboys, leaving Tim and Mother to fend for themselves!
  • Sam is caught and is going to be turned in as a theif.

    Sam is caught and is going to be turned in as a theif.
    Due to a food shortage, theives try to steal cattle from the Meeker's tavern. Sam is home at the time, but he's not supposed to be home. He tries to stop the theives, but he is outnumbered. The real theives decide to turn him in to General Putnam as a theif.
  • General Putnam holds a trial for Sam

    General Putnam holds a trial for Sam
    General Putnam believes the story of the theives because Sam wasn't supposed to be home in the first place, and he is desperate to make an example out of someone. He holds a trial for Sam, and the result is that Sam is to be executed.
  • Sam is executed

    Sam is executed
    Sam is executed in a brutal manner. A sack is placed over his head, and he is shot be three men holding their guns right up against him. He was still alive and on fire, so he was shot again. This time he stopped squirming and died. As a result, this event was the resolution of the story.