Mozart is born
On this day in 1756 Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is born. He started one of the greatest legacies known to classical musicians only a short 6 more years later. He then grew to be one of the greatest classical composers of all time. (Blakely 8) -
French and indian war begins
The French and Indian war was on of the major wars in American history and it started at the same time Mozart was born. While his family probably knew much about the war, being as young as he was, he never learned much about it until a later year. the French and Indian war was a couple of years before the independance of America. -
Mozart composes his first piano piece
His first piece was Andante in C. He was only 5 years old when he created this piece! From this time on he went to compose over 600 pieces of music in his lifetime. Although most of his work was written in the 1760's he did have multiple pieces written outside the time frame (dictionary.onmusic.org). -
Mozart goes on his first European tour
Mozart's father takes the family on a trip around Europe when Mozart is only 6. He travels to Vienna, among many famous places in europe, and even gets to meet the king. He even got to meet the famous composer Johann Sebastian Bach's son in London. (classicfm.com) -
Treaty of Paris Signed
The Treaty of Paris was one of the the most influential things that happened during the lifetime of Mozart. This treaty allowed for the fighting in america to stop and for peace to be restored. The british and French had been fighting for 7 years and it had finally ended. At this time Mozart was in the middle of first European tour at the age of 7 (history.com). -
The Boston massacre
The Boston Massacre included the killing of 5 men and wounding of 3 more. The massacre, whether accidental or not, had a big influence in the swing of the people just 5 years before the American Revolution. Mozart was 14 years old and probably remembered most of the proceedings. -
United States Signs the Declaration of Independance
Of all the things that happened abroad during Mozart's time, this is probably the most important. It started the full independence of America that led on to the America we have today. As I can assume Mozart's reaction to this bold declaration must have come as no surprise seeing as America had been fighting for its independence for a long time as of then. -
Mozart gets inducted as a Freemason aprentice
There is a big controversy about whether or not Mozart was actually a Freemason, but after much research I think that, in fact, he was a Freemason. On his induction day much of high praise was said about him and in his biography by Maynard Solomon, there is a whole chapter dedicated to his Freemasonry. -
Mozarts father dies
Mozart's father (Leopold Mozart) dies. Even though Mozart and Leopold have had their quarrels, Mozart still considered his father's death a blow. Mozart was sorry that he could not attend his father's funeral seeing as the commute to salzburg from where he was at the time was too far (biography.com). The picture included is of Leopold -
Mozart creates his last three pieces
Piano Concerto in B Flat, The Magic Flute, and The Requiem were Mozart's last three pieces. He wrote these while he was very ill and eventually died in the middle of writing the Requiem. His Pupil, Süssmayr had to finish it (britannica.com). The picture included is Süssmayr. -
George Washington elected president
As history has proven, the spot of president has earned honor and prestige as well as stress and distrust. As good of a president George Washington was he had his flaws, as does every president. Mozart was sick at this time in his life but I can imagine that hearing that the first ever president of the US made him raise his head a little. This time in world history had a major effect on things to come. -
First ten Amendments ratified in the US Constitution
The first ten items on the Bill of Rights were so important to us as Americans. They gave us the ultimate base line of the stuff other countries made their own systems off of. Things like the right to bear arms and the freedom of press that are such essentials freedoms in our country were established back then and, as the second amendment says, cannot be infringed. (history.com) -
Washington DC becomes Americas national capital
The white house in Washington District of Columbia has because a major part of US history through the centuries that it has stood and the remodeling it has endured. When Washington DC became our capital we then ad a tangible place that our congressmen could met in and this allowed for the overall smoother running of America. -
Mozart performs The Magic Flute
As explained before, Mozart wrote this piece right before his death. He got out of his bed in a sudden burst of energy for enough time to perform The magic Flute, but soon after he was bedridden again. It was about this time that he got the mysterious letter to write the requiem (Britannica.com). -
Mozart starts The Requiem
Mozart's The Requiem was one of his most famous and mysterious pieces he ever made. One day in July he got a random letter from an anonymous writer asking him to write a Requiem, or a Mass for the repose of the souls of the dead (according to Catholic culture) for a sum of money. While writing the Requiem he died! His writing of the song was finished by his faithful student, Süssmayr, who was scared that an incomplete work would result in loss of the money (Classicfm.com). -
Mozart dies
Mozart died at the age of 35. Mozart's was already sick when he received the letter asking for him to write the Requiem and the added stress of working feverishly on it made him lose it and led to his ultimate demise. In the afterwards observation of his body they found traces of poison along with many other terrible things that were in a lot of people back then, but this observation has never been put into fact that he was killed by poison.