Mountains beyond mountains pgs 1- 56
In the country Hati the place is out of control everybody is going hectic even though their has only been 1 murder in the past month. The character Paul farmer is on a quest to save the haitians and get them back on their feet just a little by giving money to chairities and sending letters telling everyone evrything is going to be alright. Farmer thought he could cure the world with his knowledge -
MBM Pgs 57-112
A teenager named jennifer came on the boat Lady Gin. Jennifer was the daughter of the warder on the boat and she had tons of knowledge on everything and they landed in the port. Farmer was a very intelligente person he would ace everything he did in school and spent falls in Paris, he would watch plays and went to political demonstrations. Farmer went to Duke and spoke french fequently. He studied science for two years then he went to medical anthropology. Farmer went to Todd McCormick for help. -
MBM pgs 113-180
Farmer aboarded a plane to Lima he kept having thoughts about what he should of done to save Jack. Kochi had made a strategic concession. In effect he'd made MDR treatment disscussible. But the diccsucusion was just the beginning. -
MBM pgs 181-222
Paul and Jim mobilized the world to accecpt drug-ressintant TB as a souluble problem. Howard Hiatt told me one day in 2000, in his office at the Brigham. This was no small, He beilieved . "At least two million people die of TB. And when those peole who die include large numbers of people with drug-resistant restrians, as will happen unless a very big and good program gets established