Rudyard was Born
Rudyard Kipling was born 30, December 1865 in Bombay India. with hos mother father and sisters. -
Sent to study at United Service College
At the age of 12 years old he was sent off away from his family to get the proper education. The college was at Westward Ho in Denver. Where he suffered being bullied. -
Joined A Newspaper
Later on in his life He joined A Newspaper Called the Pioneer. -
First Short Story Collection
After the Newspaper he soon became very devoted to writing and Wrote his first short story collection called Plan Tales From the Hills. -
Left Newspaper
Rudyard Kipling soon after writing his short story left the newspaper and went back to London -
Failed Novel
In 1891 He tried writing his first Novel which had failed. He hated and no one would publish. -
Rudyard Kipling got married to Caroline Starr Balestier. In Brattleboro, Vermont. -
First Daughter
Had is first daughter on 29,December 1892 named Josephine not only was that his first daughter but his first child to. -
Second Daughter
Elsie Kipling was born 2,February 1869 and was his second daughter. she was the only one of his three children to live on after he died -
Only Son born
On 17 August 1897 John Kipling was born he was Rudyard Kipling's first and only son while also being his last child. -
Josephine Died
Rudyard's first daughter died from Pneumonia. -
Award Nobel
In 1907 he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. He was very Happy this was one of the happiest moments in his life. -
John Died
John died on 27 September 1915. But he died very respected he died in action serving his country for the military. -
My Death
Rudyard Kipling died from a Hemorrhage. after living a great life he died shortly after his sons death.