Mason English 9 Timeline

  • Jan 18, 1066

    Battle of Hastings

    Battle of Hastings
    The Battle of Hastings was fought over being king of England. Harold had ensured that he would after making William swear to an oath. Harold was then named king of England. William was furious and fought back which resulted in many battles, most notoriously, the Battle of Hastings.
  • Jun 18, 1215

    King John Signs Magna Carta

    King John Signs Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was a document of agreements between King John of England and the barons of England. The purpose of it was to stop kings from abusing their power.
  • Jan 18, 1271

    Travels of Marco Polo

    Marco Polo was born in 1254. He began his travels with Niccolo and Matteo. The three were traveling east to meet with the Great Khan. Khan liked Marco and Marco served for his empire. Marco Polo died in 1324.
  • Jan 18, 1343

    Birth of Geoffrey Chaucer

    Birth of Geoffrey Chaucer
    Chaucer, a poet, was estimated to be born around 1343.
  • Jan 18, 1348

    Black Death Plague

    Black Death Plague
    The Black Death was a plague caused by a disease carried by rats and fleas. It is estimated that it killed 1.5 million people between 1348 to 1350.
  • Jan 6, 1412

    Birth of Joan of Arc

    Joan of Arc was born in 1412 in eastern France. There was fighting between France and England and Joan sided with England. She was captured and burned at the stake in 1431.
  • Jan 18, 1480

    Birth of Ferdinand Magellan

    Birth of Ferdinand Magellan
    Born in 1480 in Sabrosa, Portugal, Ferdinand Magellan was one of the greatest explorers of his time. His parents passed away in 1490, but Ferdinand was a page to the queen so he was well educated. He took his first voyage in 1505 and was sent on a much bigger one in 1519. Magellan later died in 1521 after taking part in a war between tribes.
  • Jan 18, 1485

    Birth of Hernando Cortez

    Birth of Hernando Cortez
    Cortez was born in 1485. He went to school but dropped out. When he heard stories of the new world, he had to be a part. He sought out gold, but he also gained land and slaves on his many trips. He died in 1547.
  • Jan 18, 1492

    Christopher Columbus sails the Atlantic

    Columbus was born in 1451 in what is present-day Italy. He heard many stories of the sea as a kid and decided to sail himself. His biggest voyage was in 1492 which was conducted in order to find a route to Asia. Instead he found America. After a few other trips, he died in 1506.
  • Feb 15, 1564

    Birth of Galileo Galilei

    Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa. He is most noted for his work with the telescope. Galileo published a book in 1632 which was banned. He was sent to trial and condemned. He died under house arrest in 1642.
  • Apr 26, 1564

    Shakespeare is Baptised

    Shakespeare is Baptised
    Birth and death dates were not recorded during his time, but the baptism usually took a place a short time after the birth. Shakespeare is best known for his work involving poems and plays. Shakespeare died in 1616.
  • First American Settlement

    First American Settlement
    Settlers landed near the James River and established Jamestown. The residents built may structures in the town. Two years later a ship carrying 214 people arrived and only 60 survived to the summer.
  • Birth of Sir Isaac Newton

    Birth of Sir Isaac Newton
    Isaac Newton was born in 1642. He studied at Cambridge, but it was shut down because of a plague. Newton then published a book which contained his three laws of motion. Newton died in 1727.