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Mapping the Odessey

  • 800 BCE

    Circe The Enchantress

    Circe The Enchantress
    Circe had immense power not only being the sun god, but being the most powerful sorceress in Olympia. The Hall of Circe was one of the most enticing. Everyone in the crew felt welcomed besides one person, but by the time anyone realized he was right it was too late. All of Odysseus's companions turned into pigs right in front of him by a magic vile. Odysseus being the selfless person he is decided to give her what she wanted, the love she wanted.
  • 799 BCE

    Circe the Enchantress B

    Circe the Enchantress B
    Their ventures through the Hall of Circe once again showed Odysseus's love for his companions and how he will do anything to ensure their safety. He gives up his own body in order to free his men from the spell Circe has casted upon them and on top of this he begins to lose his own memory. On the contrary, his only concern still lyes upon his companions freedom and well-being.
  • 700 BCE

    Aeolus Bag of Winds

    Aeolus Bag of Winds
    Aeolus is a mortal considered by many of his companions as a minor god. He was gifted a bag of uncontrollable winds and the only thing that held them back were the bag and string around it. They believed they had construed a plan to use these winds to get Odysseus and his crew home. Instead the winds take them in the opposite direction of where they want to go and are greeted by hatred and their ship was sunk in the middle of the ocean. The remainder of the fleet scurries to another ship.
  • 699 BCE

    Aeolus Bag of Winds B

    Aeolus Bag of Winds B
    This story is lesser about Odysseus, but more about his untrustworthy companions. With the gift of the winds from Aeolus they began their venture, home but as Odysseus slept his men got impatient. With their homeland in sight they opened the bag all the way which sent them back to where they came from. Aeolus deemed them as unworthy of the winds, because of this and would not give them any other assistance in the process of getting home.
  • 600 BCE

    The Trojan War

    The Trojan War
    The Trojan War was an immense battle between two of the mot ferocious forces ever created the kingdoms of Troy and Mycenae. This all started, because the most beloved women of their times was kidnapped; she was Helen of Troy. After many meticulous battles they decided to deliver a giant wooden horse of what the Trojans assumed to be surrender. Little did they know the entire army was seated inside of this monstrous contraption. This entire plan was created by their smartest, Odysseus.
  • 599 BCE

    The Trojan War B

    The Trojan War B
    The Trojan War depicted a side of Odysseus that many didn't presume that maybe his brain was just as good as his braun. No one had ever thought of constructing something such as the Trojan horse or anything like this to be used for warfare. This is one of the reasons he is known to today as not only one of the best warriors but smartest.
  • 590 BCE


    The Cyclops were the fiercest warriors, not only did they have one eye but they were three times the size of Olympia's fiercest competitors. When Odysseus unwelcome crew bored the Cyclops island they were met by death and the only Titan spared was Odysseus. He was kept in a cave and the only way he could escape was to get the Cyclops to move the door and consume the identity "Nohbody". He and his comrades hid under the sheep and when the sheep were escorted out so were they.
  • 589 BCE

    Cyclops B

    Cyclops B
    Odysseus's brains are portrayed here once more. He does not act out of anger when his crewmen are killed because he knows that he can not move the stone wall himself. Not only is he smart by doing this but he is very patient by waiting for the Cyclops to leave with the sheep and tying his and his companions onto the sheep as an easy escort out. He kept his calm and always developed a plan before acting upon anything he did.
  • 500 BCE

    Lotus- Eater

    Lotus- Eater
    The Lotus-eaters are a very distinct group of people, but because of the Lotus fruit didn't seem like people at all. They not only forget where they come from but forget who they are. This island was dominated was dominated by the Lotus suit tree it was as enticing as a narcotic. After being sent here by a tidal wave sent from Zeus, Odysseus has to recapture his men. He is the lone warrior after all of his companions consume the fruit and he is forced to tie all of them to the ship.
  • 499 BCE

    Lotus- Eater B

    Lotus- Eater B
    In this story we see for the first time how loyal and careful Odysseus is of all of his shipmates. He feels as though being the captain makes his responsible for anything they do and even if it is not his fault he will fo whatever he has to to get them out of their dire circumstances. Even though his companions had no idea who he was he tied all of them to the boat and took them home, because they were his responsibility.
  • 400 BCE


    Sirens are known as some of the most enticing beings in history and this showed through Odysseus's and his crews voyage through the sea. They sat near the water and sang for the passing ships which lead each of them into their inevitable doom. Odysseus has been tied to the ship before they left Circe's island and his crewmates each filled their ears with wax. This kept them safe their entire journey until they passed the region of the Sirens.
  • 399 BCE

    Sirens B

    Sirens B
    We not only see Odysseus's critical thinking but also his unselfishness once again. He was the only passenger on the boat without wax, but knew there was another way to ensure that they all made it past the Sirens. With his quick thinking he is tied to the boat so he can not follow the Sirens songs an overthrow the rest of his companions.
  • 300 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis

    Scylla and Charybdis
    This powerful duo is can be argued to be Odysseus's greatest foes, but in his view his worst triumph. He was instructed by Circe to deliver his men to Scylla for a sacrifice but instead he wanted to attempt to fight them both off. He was in distraught because of this so he went on with the journey and when the time arrived it happened as warned. Scylla and Charybdis were sitting there waiting for them and they took Odysseus's men and his ship along with it.
  • 299 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis B

    Scylla and Charybdis B
    Once again in these ventures Odysseus portrays his loyalty to his crew and even though there was nothing he could do to save his men in this instance he would have done anything possible to protect them. The odds were simply just not in his favor this time and he understood that. Odysseus was thankful for everything his stubborn men has ever done for him, but he knew it was time.
  • 200 BCE

    Helios's Cattle

    Helios's Cattle
    If only there was one time Odysseus's mates would listen to him, maybe one of them would have made it back home. While Odysseus was resting his men were hungry but were forewarned not to eat the cattle. Without Odysseus's resourcefulness and leadership the rest of them are in a sense brainless. So they ate the cattle and Helios the sun god was infuriated and instructed Zeus to kill them all.
  • 199 BCE

    Helios's Cattle B

    Helios's Cattle B
    Overall I do not blame this on Odysseus, because everyone gets tired, but this just is another example of how you should examine your crew thoroughly. Throughout the story they show nothing, but pure battle skill. There is no suggestion of wit or smartness in anyone on his crew. This crew is the absolute portrayal of brains over braun and it is very sad that this is all that Odysseus has to look forward to.
  • 1 BCE

    Suitors/ Home

    Suitors/ Home
    Odysseus's arrival at home was nothing less, but underwhelming and that is to say the least. He is met by a wife who doesn't recognize him because he is supposedly dead and he is also met by a group of men determined to marry his wife. However, the completion was an archery competition for her love and one thing about it is that Odysseus was the best archer ever. He dressed as an old man and recruited two of his loyal servants to help him get in and win the competition.
  • 1 CE

    Suitors/ Home B

    Suitors/ Home B
    This story above all other shows loyalty, resilience, patience and Odysseus's unmatched skill level. He is truly a god amongst gods and as long as people read the Odyssey they will see how truly dominant Odysseus was and had become over the processes and trials throughout the books. Whatever anyone else could do he could do better and after he proved that he was alive he got his wife back. After all the strides he got the one thing he really wanted back.