Louis XIV

  • Louis XIV Threatened by Nobles

    Louis XIV Threatened by Nobles
    Threats wee made at him because of the tax laws set upon them by Mazarin.
  • Louis XIV Took Full Control of The Government

    Louis XIV Took Full Control of The Government
    Marizan died and Louis took control of all government in France.
  • Louis Weakened Nobles

    He took away nobles power by not allowing them in his council, which therefore increased government power for him.
  • Louis Controlled Nobility

    Louis Controlled Nobility
    He had nobles doing normal tasks for him like making him every meal of the day, and even helped him get dressed. He was in luxury because he had full authority over them and could make them do whatever he wished.
  • Louis Expands Frances Boundaries

    Louis attacked the Netherlands in an attempt to expand France to new areas. He successfully gained twelve towns through his attacks.
  • Louis Grows the Economy

    Louis Grows the Economy
    He wanted to expand the Palace of Versailles' French politics and culture into other countries. Louis had his minister of finance, Colbert, increase taxes for french industries and made the demand higher for products coming from outside of France.
  • Louis Brings Art to Hierarchy

    Louis Brings Art to Hierarchy
    He dedicated the Palace of Versailles to art during his reign where he would have paintings, drawings, and even memoirs and papers displayed in the palace.
  • Louis Canceled the Edict of Nantes

    Louis cancelled the edict because he did not want to protect the freedom of Hueguenots, and by doing so, he made an uproar in society which then led to people fleeing the country.
  • War of Spanish Succession

    French were going to gain power of the Spanish Throne, but other countries wanted nothing but that so they decided to try and prevent it. This then started the War of Spanish Succession, which lasted 13 more years.
  • The End of The War

    The War Finally ended in 1714, 13 years after it took place, Britain ended up winning the war and all Spanish power that Charles II left behind