Leaders Trhoughout History Hum8.8

  • Period: 212 to


    An example of a leader with divergent thinking is Archimedes. He lived from 287 BC to 212 BC. He asked why things worked and made inventions, such as the Archimedes screw, a device still used today to transport water and grain up-hill. He also discovered several things about circles, and spheres-including Pi. On top of all that, he found out about water displacement and density.
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    Abraham Lincoln

    An example of a leader with honesty is Abraham Lincoln. He was lived from 1809 to 1865. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th president of the United States of America. Also known as “Honest Abe”, he led the USA during the Civil War. He also was a driving force in the abolishment of slavery. He is famous for the Gettysburg address at the end of the Civil War.
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    Wayne Gretzky

    An example of a perceptive leader is Wayne Gretzky. He was born in 1961 and is a former Canadian hockey player and a coach whose quick thinking helped him and his team to victory. Gretzky has also won several awards for scoring a huge number of points in several seasons, and known as “the greatest hockey player ever” by the NHL.