Billy was born
Billy Pilgrim was born in Ilium New York. He is the protagonist in Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five. Billy was a solider in WWII who has had a difficult life. He claims that he was abducted by aliens and that he can become unstuck in time. -
Billy first became unstuck in time
Billy first becomes unstuck in time well he is a solider in World War 2. His time traveling is completely random and he has no control of when or were he will end up next. Right after he becomes unstuck in time he is taken in as a prisoner of war by German soldiers. -
Dersden was bombed
The city of Dersden was bombed in WWII. When it was bombed Billy was and about 100 other American prisoners of war were there.They were the only people to survive the bombing. The Germans who captured them made them dig out the remains of the civilians out of the remains until the war was over. The horrors that Billy say when the city was bombed ruined his life causing him to have severe PTSD. Billy also had to watch his friend Edgar Derby get shot around this time for stealing a tea pot. -
Billy was honorably discharged from the Army
After seeing the horrors of war and the bombing of Dresden Billy was finally rescued from being a prisoner of war. When he was discharged he began to try and start a normal life. He fished college, became a rich optometrist and married his wife, who he doesn't really love and had two children. However, just because he physically left the war doesn't mean that he stopped thinking about it. Billy continued to travel back and forward through time, to the time that he was a prisoner of war. -
Billy checked in to a VA hospital
Billy checked him self in to a VA hospital because he suffered a mild nervous collapse because of his experiences in the war. The doctors however, thought that Billy was going crazy because of how his father treated him. At the hospital he met Eliot Rosewater, who was also a solider and a patient. Eliot showed Billy books written by Kilgore Trout. This started Billy's obsession with science fiction books and most likely were the cause of Billy calming that he was abducted by aliens. -
Billy meets Kilgore Trout
Billy meets his favorite author. Kilgore Trout is not a famous writer at all, in fact he doesn't even think that he is a writer. He is a lonely person who writes science fiction books that Billy uses to explain some of the things that has happened to him. -
Billy is abducted by the Tralfamadorians
Billy is abducted by the Tralfamadorians right after his daughters wedding.They put Billy in a zoo so they could watch and learn about humans.They see things in the 4th dimension and can see everything that has happened and will happen all at once. They do not believe in free will they think that a person has a destiny and that it can not be changed.They think that every person should focus on only the happen moments in life. Also Montana Wildhack was sent to Billy so they could watch them mate. -
Billy is in a plane crash and his wife dies
Billy was one of the survivors of a plane crash. The crash nearly killed him. When his wife heard about it she forgot about her safety and died of Co2 poisoning to be with him. The plane crash confused Billy and he thought that he was still in WWII. After the crash Billy becomes public about his alien abduction and becoming unstuck in time. He also meets a man named Rumfoord. He didn't think that Billy should be alive until he found out that Billy was at Dresden when it was bombed. -
Billy goes to New York City after the plane crash to try and be on TV.
After the plan crash Billy wants to tell the rest of the world about what the aliens taught him. As he is wandering NYC he comes a crossed a book store. The store basically sells porn but Billy finds books by Trout. The book that he finds is about a man who was abducted as by aliens and forced to stay on their plant in a zoo. This is very similar to Billy's experience with the Tralfamadorians. Billy doesn't get on TV but he does share his story on the radio. -
Billy is shot and dies
Billy is shot by Lazzaro. He was a POW with Billy. He promised Ronald Wearly a solider who blamed his death on Billy that he would kill Billy. Billy isn't afraid of death because he thinks that a person is never really dead they are alive in all of the other moments in their lives. Lazzaro keeps his word and shoots Billy in the head after one of Billy's speeches about traldmadorians. Billy dies on the anniversary of the day that Dresden was bombed.