King Faisal of Saudi Arabia

  • King Faisal was Born

  • He represented his father in an official visit to Britain at the age of 13.

    He represented his father in an official visit to Britain at the age of 13.
  • He wrote the first formal statement on the Kingdom from Riyadh, and it was published by the Egyptian “Al Ahram” newspaper which made him the Kingdom’s first official spokesperson.

  • He was appointed viceroy of Hijaz in Makkah (until he gave the position up), making him the first member of Al Saud family to act as governor in the new modern Saudi State.

  • He was appointed Chairman of the Deputies Council handling the Shura Council, the Ministry of Interior, the legal courts, and the annexes.

    He was appointed Chairman of the Deputies Council handling the Shura Council, the Ministry of Interior, the legal courts, and the annexes.
  • He signed a decree at his father’s order declaring the unification of Hejaz and Nejd under the name of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

  • He was commissioned by King Abdulaziz to handle the development works at Masjid Al-Haram, and this was the first construction at the mosque to be performed under the modern Saudi State.

    He was commissioned by King Abdulaziz to handle the development works at Masjid Al-Haram, and this was the first construction at the mosque to be performed under the modern Saudi State.
  • He addressed the Saudi people with an iconic speech on the Palestinian cause and the misery of the Palestinian people.

  • He became Crown Prince after the death of King Abdulaziz

  • He became Prime Minister while continuing to be in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

  • He headed the supreme commission for the expansion of the Holy Mosque in Makkah.

  • He was crowned King of Saudi Arabia.

    He was crowned King of Saudi Arabia.
  • King Faisal bin Abd Al-Aziz (God rest his soul) was assassinated on Tuesday the 25th of March, 1975.

    King Faisal bin Abd Al-Aziz (God rest his soul) was assassinated on Tuesday the 25th of March, 1975.