Declaration of Independence
The declaration of independence is significant because with out it today would not be the same we would not have all the rights that we have now. It lets us have all of our individual rights. And makes us a country. -
E Pluribus Unum
“E Pluribus Unum” means "out of many, one " is the motto created by the committee Congress. -
US Constitution
The US constitution holds the preamble with all of the legal rights we have. -
Bill of Rights
The bill of rights written by James Madison are the first ten amendments on the US Constitution. Those 10 amendments are the ones that give everyone our equal rights in the United States of America. -
Fifth Amendment
The fifth amendemnt states you can not get killed or put in jail unless you made a crime, the government can not take your house or anything unless the government pays you a fair price. You can not be forced to say that your are guilty of a crime. -
Eminent Domain
The definiton of eminent domain is "the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation" meaning the government can remove homes to put to use for public use. Which is like the 5th amendment. -
John Hancock
Hancock was born on January 23 1737 in Braintree Massachusetts. He was one of the first people to sign the Declaration of Independence. He had a very successful trading bussiness in Boston. He died October 8, 1793 -
John Witherspoon
He was born in Scotland and came to the American Colonies to become the president of College of New Jersey. He was one of the people to sign the Declaration of Independence. He always believed in religous freedom. He was also a minister and an influential educator. -
John Peter Muhlenberg
John Peter Gabriel Muhlenberg was born on October 1, 1746 was born in Pennsylvania. He went to the Universtity of Pennsylvania. In 1764 he was sent to Germany at the age of 18 with his brother to be in the war, he was in war for 3 years and came back to Philadelphia in 1767 when he was dischagred. He then studied ministry and travled to England in 1771 and went to Church of England. In 1784 he was elected Supreme Executive Council. He was Pennsylvania's vice president from 1785 to 1788.Died oct1 -
Benjamin Rush
Benjamin Rush was born on January 4, 1746. He was a founding father of the US. He was a physician and a civic leader in Philadelphia. He was one of the people who signed the Declaration of Independnece. He was also a leader in the ratification of the Constitution in 1788. He made many other acomplishments. He died young on April 19 1813 at the age of 67. -
John Jay
John Jay
John Jay was born in New York City on December 12, 1745 he was on of the founding fathers of the US. He was one of the people who signed the treaty of paris. Chief of the US. -
Charles Carroll
Charles was born on September 19, 1737 he was very wealthy. He was a part of the Maryland state Senate. He also signed the final draft of the Declaration on Independence. He died on November 14 1832 and was the last one who died of the people who signed the Declaration of Independence. -
Alexis de Tocqueville and his 5 Principles
His 5 principles Liberty, Egalitarianism, Individualism, Populism, and Laissez-faire all mean different things. Liberty- Basic freedoms, Egalitarianism- equality, Individualism- allowing use to have individual actions and thoughts, Populism- helping a specific group who are in need, and Laissez-faire- when the government tries not to interfears with people. -
In God we trust
"In God We Trust" was put on coins beacuse during the Civil War there were a lot of religous beliefs.