Karl popper

Karl Popper July 28,1902- September 17, 1994

  • Studies at University

    Karl Popper studied at the University of Vienna and focused on mathematics and theoretical physics starting in 1918. Later, in 1925 became a PhD student at the Pedagogical University where he received his PhD in Philosophy in 1928. During this time at University, he also worked as a social worker, which helped him get his PhD because it was through a social worker spot that he was able to attend the PhD program.
    Francis Joseph Quay, Vienna. Public domain via Wikimedia Commons.)
  • Publishing of book

    In 1935 Karl Popper published his book titled Logik der Forschung (The Logic of Research). And in 1959 he published an English version that was titled The Logic of Scientific Discovery. This book was the first time that Karl Popper demonstrated his beliefs of falsification and scientific methodology. His arguments and thoughts that are brought up in the book were not welcomed by the Vienna Circle and Popper showed concern for their methods.
    "Karl Popper: Philosophy of Science."
  • Appointed to LSE

    In 1945 Karl Popper published another book called The Open Society and its Enemies which later turned into The Poverty of Historicism. In this same year, he was also appointed a position in the Department of Philosophy, Logic and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics. His move to London was his last move as he stayed in Britain the rest of his life. "Philosopher of the Month: Sir Karl Raimund Popper." Oxford University Press's. Accessed 19 Jul. 2023.
  • Falsification

    Karl Poppers' biggest contribution to science is probably his falsification outlook. He believes that scientists should stop looking for everything to be completely correct and verifiable and trust the things that cannot be proven wrong. Popper understands the importance of science and non-science and falsifiability fits right into both matters.