Karl popper

Karl Popper

  • Karl Popper was born into this world

    Karl Popper was born into this world
    Karl Popper was born in 1902, full name Karl Raimund Popper. He was born in Vienna, Austria-Hungary, father being Simon Siegmund Carl Popper, who was a lawyer at the Vienna University, and mother Jenny Schiff.
  • The start of Karl Popper to become who we know

    The start of Karl Popper to become who we know
    Karl attended school at the Realgymnasium, the Franz Joseph Gymnasium, and the Uranek Gymnasium for his early schooling while encountering some antisemitic prejudice from teachers, he would then leave school becoming bored in 1918, he would go to recall that his interest in the scientific method had begun in 1919
  • He met the love of his life

    He met the love of his life
    Josefine Anna (Henninger) Popper, also known as Hennie, was born 17 March 1906. Her father and mother are Josef and Josefine Henninger, she would later go on to marry Karl in 1930 they never ended up having children together what is known is that they lived a happy life together until her late death after a long battle with an illness she would pass on 17 November 1985
  • Karl would make his first publication

    Karl would make his first publication
    He was incouraged by his doctoral advisors to turn to the logic of scientific investigation. In 1934 he published Logic of Scientific Discovery and was widely accepted not only within the Vienna circle but by others. As the war was rising, Popper got an invrntation to lecture at Canterbury University College in Christchurch, New Zealand where Popper and Hennie would move to in 1937
  • The continued works of Karl Popper

    The continued works of Karl Popper
    1945 produced the publication of The Open Society and it's Enemies from Karl Popper. Which was more political philosophy and would be followed up by The Poverty of Historicism almost a decade later. But within the same year of 1945, even though they weren't unhappy living in New Zealand, Popper was appointed to the Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method at the London School of Economics. They would arrive in Britian in 1946, where they would remain the rest of their lives.
  • The Winding Down Years of a Philosopher

    The Winding Down Years of a Philosopher
    Conjectures and Refutations came out in 1963, where he argued science can never prove things to be true but rather prove them to be false, only that scientists make bold conjectures and then following the consequences. With a few more mild stones through the years of 1965-1974, Popper was knighted in 1965 and had the rare disinction of being elected as a fellow of both British Academy and Royal Society. He then went on to retire from LSE in 1969, only writing and dong broadcasts.
  • Later Years Cont.

    Later Years Cont.
    His autobiography was published origanally in 1976 and then again in 2002. He also took his wife traveling around the world through these years, seeing everything they possibly could.
  • The Sad Tale of the End

    The Sad Tale of the End
    1985 was when Hennie died of a long illness, after that Popper moved into something smaller but still remained to try new things. Sadly the fun came to an end, when his battle with cancer was lost on 17 September 1994 was lost. He would then be buried with his wife, spending eternity with her in the after life