
Karl Popper

By jalxleo
  • The Birth of Karl Popper

    The Birth of Karl Popper
    Born in Vienna, Austria, Karl Popper would become one of the most influential philosophers of science in the 20th century. He is most famously known for distinguishing science from non-science also known as pseudoscience. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-X8Xfl0JdTQ]
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    Karl Popper

  • Logik der Forschung (The Logic of Scientific Discovery)

    Logik der Forschung (The Logic of Scientific Discovery)
    Logik der Forschung was his first published book and was later published in English in 1959. This book is Popper's first detailed account of the problem of induction, criterion of demarcation, the importance of falsification and scientific methodology. He argued against members of the Vienna Circle concerning scientific methodology.
    Popper, K. (2006). The Logic of Scientific Discovery. London: Routledge.
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    Teacher at Canterbury University College

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    Teacher at the London School of Economics

  • The Poverty of Historicism

    The Poverty of Historicism
    Another one of Karl Popper's more famous books he critiqued and argued the current scientific methodology of historicism. He denied the fundamental ideas of historicism, to include that they just attempt to form predictive and explanatory laws.
    POPPER, K. R. (1997). The Poverty of Historicism. London: Routledge.
  • The Propensity Interpretation of Probability

    The Propensity Interpretation of Probability
    This was an article written by Karl Popper in favor of what he called the propensity interpretation of probability. He divided interpretations into 2 classes; subjective and objective. As subjective he regarded it as having incomplete knowledge. As objective he regarded it as being tested by statistical tests
    Popper, K. (1959). The Propensity Interpretation of Probability. The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science, 10(37), 25-42. Retrieved from http://www.jstor.org/stable/685773
  • Conjectures and Refutations

    Conjectures and Refutations
    Popper went further on with this article into his problem of demarcation and his solution of falsifiability. He explained why the scientific community should not see theories as a complete truth.
    Popper, Karl R. (Karl Raimund), 1902-1994. (19681965). Conjectures and refutations : the growth of scientific knowledge. New York :Harper & Row,
  • The Death of Karl Popper

    The Death of Karl Popper
    Popper died at 92 years old supposedly due to complications of cancer. He continuously worked on the philosophy of science almost up until his death. He was committed and passionate about his work, and he became quite a legend in the field.