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Julius Caesar

  • 1 CE

    Feast of Lupercal

    Caesar returns to Rome after his victory over Pompey's sons, and a giant celebration follows. Caesar is offered the crown three times, but declines it each time.
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    The Conspiracy

    The Conspiracy
    Gaius Cassius is seen for the first time trying to convince Marcus Brutus to join the plot to kill Julius Caesar. Brutus knows what Cassius wants hims to do, but says he needs time to think about it.
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    Cassius' Plan

    To try and win Brutus over and convince him to join the conspirators, Cassius composes several letters that look as if they were written by common citizens of Rome, and has one of the other conspirators place them around Brutus' house.
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    The Conspirators Meet

    The conspirators hold a meeting at Brutus' house, and discuss their plan. Brutus also talks them out of three things that will come back to bite them. He convinces them not to take an oath, not to kill Mark Antony, and not to include Cicero in the plot.
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    Calphurnia's Dream

    Caesar is getting ready to leave for the capital, but Calphurnia begs him to stay, because she had a dream that a statue of Caesar was leaking blood and men were smiling and washing their hands in it. Decius Brutus appears to Caesar's vanity and convinces him that the dream is a good omen for his time as emperor. The conspirators then escort Caesar to the capital.
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    Caesar Arrives at the Capital

    Caesar Arrives at the Capital
    When Caesar arrives at the Capital, a Roman named Artemidorus tries to hand him a scroll with the names of all the conspirators and their plan. Caesar ignores it, saying that personal matters should be addressed last. Caesar sees the soothsayer again and tells him, "The Ides of March have come." To which the soothsayer replies, "But they have not yet gone."
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    Caesar's Assassination

    Caesar's Assassination
    While Metellus Cimber is distracting Caesar by asking him to let his brother back into Rome, Casca sneaks up behind Caesar, then literally and figuratively stabs him in the back. Then the rest of the conspirators take their turn stabbing Caesar until he ends up infront of Brutus. With some hesitation, Brutus lands the final blow into Caesar's chest. Now betrayed by even his best friend, he utters his dying words, "Et tu Brute? Then fall, Caesar"
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    Antony Returns to the Capital

    Antony Returns to the Capital
    Antony had been led away from the capital earlier by one of the conspirators, but now he returns to see Caesar laying on the ground dead. He talks with the conspirators and asks them why they did it. Brutus tells him they are going to address the public and he will hear their reasons then, and Brutus gives Antony permission to speak after Brutus leaves to mourn Caesar.
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    Brutus Speaks at Caesar's Funeral

    Brutus Speaks at Caesar's Funeral
    Brutus and Cassius split up the crowd so they can compare their stories to each other, then Brutus steps up to the pulpit. He tells them that he loved Caesar, but he slew him because he was ambitious, and for the betterment of Rome, Caesar had to die
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    Antony Speaks at Caesar's Funeral

    Antony Speaks at Caesar's Funeral
    Brutus finishes talking, then he asks the crowd to stay and listen to Antony. After he leaves, Antony steps up to the pulpit. He asks the people to hear him, and they eventually listen. He lists all the generous things Caesar did for the people of Rome, then asks, "Was this ambition?" Before the people answer, he says, "But Brutus says he was ambitious, and Brutus is an honorable man." This repeats several times until the crowd is turned against the conspirators, and the streets turn to mutiny.
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    Cassius Accuses Brutus

    Several months later, Cassis and Brutus both have armies camped near Sardis. Cassius rides to Brutus' camp and accuses him of doing Cassius wrong. But to that Brutus accuses Cassius of withholding money needed to pay his troops. After they settle that issue, Brutus tells Cassius that Portia has committed suicide by swallowing hot coals. Cassius is astonished, and asks Brutus how he didn't kill him earlier. They discuss their battle plans, and agree that they should march to meet Antony's army.
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    Caesar's Ghost

    Caesar's Ghost
    Once everybody leaves his tent, Brutus is about to fall asleep, and he sees the ghost of Caesar, who tells Brutus that he is his evil spirit, and that Brutus will see him again at Phillipi
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    Cassius' Suicide

    Cassius' Suicide
    After receiving a note from Brutus that tells him to attack now, Cassius sends Titinius to his tents to see who is there. He has his slave climb up on a rock to tell him what is happening, and he misinterprets everything. The slave tells Cassius that Titinus has been captured by the enemies, but they were really allies celebrating Brutus' victory over Octavius. Overcome with grief, Cassius orders his slave to kill him, and he will be a free man. After Cassius is dead, the slave flees the battle.
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    Titinius' Suicide

    Titinius' Suicide
    After returning with to tell Cassius the good news, he sees his dear friend dead of the ground, and blames himself for the misunderstanding. He then takes the same sword that Cassius used to killhimself and thrusts it into his chest, ending his life.
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    Brutus' Suicide

    After running from Antony's army, Brutus and a few others take refuge on a hill. Knowing what is coming, Brutus asks several people to kill him, saying that the enemy is upon them, and it is better to jump into the pit themselves, than to be pushed in by ones enemies. A slave named Strato finally agrees, and hold Brutus' sword while he jumps onto it, thus, Caesar's death is finally avenged.